...yes, but how many people would buy a fake marine? I wouldn't, and I'm not sure how many will apart from those who want an army
If he looked like Apone in terms of gear and weapons and we knew they couldn't get the likeness rights to Al Matthews I absolutely would. Just as long as they don't pull one on us and not give him a helmet(even then I'd still get it and use an extra helmet from Hicks). Don't get me wrong I'd like a movie accurate figure but if not.....
If he looked like Apone in terms of gear and weapons and we knew they couldn't get the likeness rights to Al Matthews I absolutely would. Just as long as they don't pull one on us and not give him a helmet(even then I'd still get it and use an extra helmet from Hicks). Don't get me wrong I'd like a movie accurate figure but if not.....