Broke and happy
Yeah but at least she has a reason to be, why Batman 89 is the same way is the headscratcher.
is it Konami? i have them all, still most accurate (name the item) of all brands.The most accurate space jockey.
The most accurate space jockey.
The one bummer about the Queen - she is awkward as hell to handle.
I missed out on the Queen - not even been to the FP shop to see her in person. Is she still available?
Yes just checked she's still in stock with the UK distributor. Just depends if retail shops etc. are still buying her in. Online is probably your best bet, if you're really struggling availability / price wise then send me a PM, I might be able to sort you out with a deal.
Aliens wave 9 is up and available on the Neca ebay store now. Got my Frost and Vas for now, I'll get more when TRU gets them in cheaper. I should have these by the end of the week and I'm incredibly excited for this wave.
Even though it's not unusual for sales of human figures to not be as strong as the Xenos in this line, what do you think are the chances the concept alien will be the top teller of series 9?
To be honest I think it's likely the Xeno is going to be the peg warmer of this series. If Vasquez is not a top seller I will be shocked.
Check out the sales totals on ebay. Last I checked vas sold 143 units, Frost 83 and the albino was last at 39. I bought vas and frost from their ebay store and will wait for the albino to hit tru to save some money. That could be what's happening here but I definately see it being a peg warmer after the die hard collectors get theirs.
because the smart gun is not just a gun but an IFF device?Was just looking at Aliens for reference on what the tables for the stasis tubes should look like - you don't get a good look at them really - but anyway I've ended up leaving the film on and I'm at the point where they confiscate the ammo from everyone. As we know Vasquez simply takes out a hidden cartridge and loads back up....and she continues to take point with her smart gun. Wtf? Shouldn't they have had Hicks go in first with his shotgun or someone with a flamethrower? What use is Vasquez going to be with an (as far as the others know) empty smartgun?
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