NECA - ED-209

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Well Keaton Batman was suppose to come out in August back when it was announced at Toy Fair but then was pushed to September. Right now it looks like its going to arrive in stores around late October or early November.

I'm hoping all my purchases sync up in terms of shipping. I have Ed-209, Keaton Batman, Play Arts DC Ninja Batman, Max Factory Link and Samus on preorder from BBTS so if they all come out within the same time frame I should save a bit on shipping.

I think the major reason for the delays is that they're a pretty small company. The BD Iron Man probably did cause a small delay but not as much as creating a brand new sculpt for a figure. I think its hard for them to give 100% accurate dates because they're small and can't really spend time on figuring out when exactly things will be coming out. They also have to factor in time it takes for prototypes to be sent to china and back so they can okay the production and then it takes time for the entire sets to be sent from China's factories to their warehouse and then out to retailers.

I'm fully expecting a BD Keaton Batman to be released probably early next year.

I really wish someone would do a Clarence Bodicker or a **** Jones figure in scale with Robocop but I guess there isn't much demand for them.

I think with Ed-209 they could do a 2 pack BD version of him with a BD Robocop that comes with a Cobra Assault Cannon. I'm sure some people will want a BD Robocop to go with Ed-209. I know I didn't get my BD Robocop until I saw some pictures of the Ed-209 and by that time I couldn't find any at retail but I got lucky and was able to grab one off ebay for about $15.
With BBTS, you can turn on Pile of Loot, and have your stuff shipped together (hence saving on shipping)

Yeah that's what I have right now but its going to be hard for me to hold off on shipping them out as soon as they come out since I really want the Ed-209 and Keaton Batman asap.
considering neca likes to get the most it can out of a mold

a "robocop roulette" comic ver ed-209 repaint would be cool...
Well hey i have had this pre-ordered a long time but had no idea their was a neca board here.
I figured i would get this ed-209 too while i waited for the HT version, like someone else said it good
to have diff scales of figures.
I had a robo once as a kid but never an ed-209. I bought the koto ed-209 many yrs ago without
knowing how small it was. While it was really small it was the most accurate
ed-209 figure aside from the old HT version i could afford.
This neca one look 100% accurate and will be a huge upgrade from my 3 inch koto.

Still hoping it comes this month :pray:
Well hey i have had this pre-ordered a long time but had no idea their was a neca board here.
I figured i would get this ed-209 too while i waited for the HT version, like someone else said it good
to have diff scales of figures.
I had a robo once as a kid but never an ed-209. I bought the koto ed-209 many yrs ago without
knowing how small it was. While it was really small it was the most accurate
ed-209 figure aside from the old HT version i could afford.
This neca one look 100% accurate and will be a huge upgrade from my 3 inch koto.

Still hoping it comes this month :pray:

Love the optimism, but it ships in October.
wow! a second figure in neca's history that is worth it's money! that must be celebrated

4-6 weeks.

Looking great.

Is that 4-6 week release a US release date?

Yeah I'm guessing thats referring to the US release. I'm not even sure if he means shipping from China in 4-6 weeks which means another 1-2 weeks for retailers to get them or if its when retailers will have them on shelves.

Worst case scenario seems like end of November/early December
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Yeah I'm guessing thats referring to the US release. I'm not even sure if he means shipping form China in 4-6 weeks which means another 1-2 weeks for retailers to get them or if its when retailers will have them on shelves.

Worst case scenario seems like end of November/early December

Looking like a New Year release for me then. :mad: