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I remember the hassle it was to get that Chucky out from them. Maybe universal is just annoying
With a 30” shark the box would likely be a minimum of 32” long if it didn’t break apart and require some assembly. The boxes to ship the boxed shark would again need to be another couple of inches bigger at 34 or 35.” If any of you have been following that Mythic Legions Dragon crowdfunding campaign, you’ll see that shipping such a large item really balloons shipping costs quickly. The dragon is $75-100 in just shipping from the eastern to western side of the USA. I can only assume NECA ran into similar issues when factoring in all of the additional costs for a full scale shark. The Shark itself could have maybe been just $100-200 but the shipping could have tacked on another $100 or so. And certainly retailers would balk at such a big and expensive item for their shelves.

I’d still like to see NECA tackle a bust of Bruce like those Ozark sharks. Most of us really just need a decent front part of the shark for most displays. Something big enough to fit Quint in and it would satisfy most of us.
Or just buy an Ozark!
Personally I would only have even considered - and not even definitely purchased - a proper scale Bruce. An underscaled one I see no point in owning. It's iffy enough just buying Quint and Hooper while knowing that Brody is probably never coming but I will at least do that. Have one of each preordered at BBTS and might preorder one of each from the UK aswell.
I will just pretend that the shark ate Brody and now nerdy Hooper and macho man Quint are left to battle Bruce. It's easy for me because I have been in denial about a lot of things throughout my life. It's like I live in an alternate reality.
I used to rage about this shark back when I collected NECA. Glad it's becoming a reality.

I feel almost obligated to state

Do not ever, under any circumstances, order directly from their branded online store.

May Miss Lady Luck be with you, if you do.
Or just buy an Ozark!
I have an Ozark shark but I think it's a look/finish that's better suited to 1/6 figures rather than smaller scales. These NECA figures, as well done as they are, still have "action figure" vibes rather than the super realism of 1/6.

The NECA shark looks like it may work with some custom reworking. The foreshortened back half I still don't think is as big of a deal as everyone is saying because most will display it facing directly forward or at a slight 3/4 where you not only can't notice the foreshortening but it also saves you display space (for a massive rear half you never really see.)

A larger, fully proportionate shark would have been brilliant but it would only really have been fully useful in a full profile display which I know some would have wanted but the front view is the most iconic.
This thing is absolutely gonna get manufactured from a long term perspective.

That mold and the slick license deal they got will get milage.

It will be produced, and reproduced. Again and again. Just like their Horror figures. Just like their Alien Queen. Just like ED-209.

It'll get re-releases one after another every 3-5 yrs for over a decade.

Not that I care or have a problem with this, I just know how they operate from being a long time collector of their stuff in the past.

There's no worry of Bruce becoming "rare".