I placed another order with Toys R' Us and this time, they gave me the non-battle damaged Rocky IV! Maybe they ran out of the BD version or they actually read my message (placed under "Gift Message") : "Please do NOT ship me
www.toysrus.com product index.jsp?productId=16403706 and
www.toysrus.com product index.jsp?productId=16403716. I already have bruised versions!"
(Apologies for the broken English, the space was limited so I had to cut a few words out to fit inside the message box!)
From Left to Right: BD Rocky I, Rocky III, Rocky IV, and customized Rocky Balboa
For Rocky Balboa, I used the
Jakks Pacific Rocky Balboa head with
Ivan Drago's torso (upper and lower). The forearms, hands, and legs are from
BD Rocky IV. I would've used the entire body of BD Rocky IV but the body looked too skinny for the Rocky Balboa head (and his head wobbled on that body). Placing Rocky Balboa's head on Ivan Drago's torso fits well. As you can see, it's a bit shorter than the Rocky I figure (it's a bit taller than the Rocky III and IV figure).
I first thought Rocky III and IV used the same head but I was wrong. The color of Rocky IV's skin is a bit redder.
This picture was taken with a wide angle lens (thus the picture curve and the image stretching on the sides).
I'm going to use
Clubber Lang's black shorts on my custom
Rocky Balboa figure and use Clubber Lang's torso (with the BD Rocky IV's shorts) with
Mason Dixon's head.