Every action figure company re-uses parts, makes multiples of the same character, and does variants. Sometimes the only difference is a splash of paint or a new head. It's the nature of this business. It's why some people only collect a single character like Hulk or Batman. These companies are in it to make a profit. The IP licenses are costly. Being angry at a company because they do these things isn't going to solve anything. If we don't like the variants, etc....just skip them. These things are $30 each. I could understand the frustration if they were Hot Toys prices. But as these figures cost about the same as a dinner date at Pizza Hut, which is gone in less than 12 hours, its really not a big deal. They crammed a bunch of crap in the first release. It was worth $30. The second release has a lot of stuff crammed in it. It will be worth the price of admission too. As will the third one, the fourth one, the fifth one, etc.......cause there's definitely going to be more.