NECA - Vincent Price Ultimate Figure

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The secret is the little notch at the beck of the neck just under the suit collar. Align the groove on the swap out piece with that notch, and push the collar down to make it snug. it isn't perfect, but it works. Unless you're going to have him fight Wolverine or Batman figures,lol.

For (one of) the Vinneys I bought, I used a spare NECA Lee Dracula body, trimmed and glued the open coat flaps down, drybrushed a little of Ole Man Vinney's hair with some lighter gray to bring out details, and plopped his butt in the NECA Pale Man chair from pan's Labyrinth.

My picture taking skills stink, but you'll get the idea.

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Really regret not picking up the Pale Man now! That chair works great, which I suppose is why they used it in some the solicitation images.
Undergoing MAJOR renovations at the house, so nowhere to properly display Vincent. But I just couldn’t resist taking him out and posing him for a moment. So refreshing to have an action figure that can enjoy a nice, hot cup of Joe!😆
Yeah I’ve got that Four Horsemen Masque of the Red Death figure and that clock was my favorite part. Really a work of art.
I finally spotted one at my local Meijer today. I got excited for about 30 seconds, before noticing that one of the heads had 3 very obvious scratches and scuff marks across his nose. Why on earth would Neca switch back to painted skin over the skin tone plastics they have been using before? I hate the painted skin because it always ends up having flaws somewhere and it's a pain in the ass to have to fix it. It's a damn shame because he looks incredible in person.

I had the same issue trying to find a Hammer Dracula at Best Buy. I've yet to buy one because all the ones I've seen have scuffed paint.
So, apparently straight out of the gate for their 12 Days of Christmas (5 for $100), Vinney is being offered. That seems odd. Esp. considering so many smaller retailers, as well as larger ones, don't even have theirs.
Great way to get 3 figures to display each head/tie option and a couple of other figures for a good price. I didn’t think I’d beat $25 Prices but $20 each for 5 figure is a great deal.
It bogles the mind as to what is going on over there. They must be having some serious logistics issues beyond those we, the unwashed masses, are aware of. It gives me hope that perhaps there might be some surprises in store the next 12 days. Either with reveals on their visual guides (like today's Ben cooper visual guide) or an outright "on sale now and in stock" like maybe Leech woman and trunk.
Yeah, I’m not sure all is well over at NECA. At least their website/store seems to be really struggling lately. That whole Donatello lab situation fiasco makes me glad I don’t collect TMNT outside the monsters crossovers. Yeesh!
Great way to get 3 figures to display each head/tie option and a couple of other figures for a good price. I didn’t think I’d beat $25 Prices but $20 each for 5 figure is a great deal.
Unfortunately it was a limit of 1 per day and you couldn't combine days. A real drag because there were some good buys in there but tough to find 5 on a single day.
I finally spotted one at my local Meijer today. I got excited for about 30 seconds, before noticing that one of the heads had 3 very obvious scratches and scuff marks across his nose. Why on earth would Neca switch back to painted skin over the skin tone plastics they have been using before? I hate the painted skin because it always ends up having flaws somewhere and it's a pain in the ass to have to fix it. It's a damn shame because he looks incredible in person.

I had the same issue trying to find a Hammer Dracula at Best Buy. I've yet to buy one because all the ones I've seen have scuffed paint.
Sounds like your gripe is with bad painters not the painted skin itself. When done right, painted skin is FAR superior.
I really wish Kaustic Plastik would release something similar to this in 1/6 as a figure. Given that the statue was limited to 250 numbered editions, and another 50 with the noose though, I don't know if that's enough to warrant doing it.
Fabio hinted today that a MGM movie that Vincent Price was in “might” have been approved recently for 1/6