And then later the veteran would make air quotes around the chicken and then point his finger up in the air and say 'EXACTLY.' He'd then proceed to go do this to fifteen other items he finds nearby before finally retiring to bed for the night.
Veteran's girlfriend: Gee honey, I can't decide between the chicken and the fish... what do you think?
Veteran: Goddam it GET WHAT YOU GODDAM LIKE OR SAVE YOUR MONEY! (freakin' sheeple...)
And she would pick the chicken. . .
But ooooooh nooooooo, goddam veterans have got to barge on in and have a go at the OP for not being able to make a clear decision on which toy to buy.
The thread title pretty clearly describes what you're likely to find in here once you open it. But ooooooh nooooooo, goddam veterans have got to barge on in and have a go at the OP for not being able to make a clear decision on which toy to buy.
Veteran's girlfriend: Gee honey, I can't decide between the chicken and the fish... what do you think?
Veteran: Goddam it GET WHAT YOU GODDAM LIKE OR SAVE YOUR MONEY! (freakin' sheeple...)
the girls i go out with only like sausage.