Quick, more specific update on my home situations (there are plenty!)
Mom: Pacemaker went ok. She has some air outside her lung, nitrogen they say, a bubble, that they are trying to dissapate. Wierd thing that happened because they accidently stuck one of the pacemaker leads into her lung. I am trying not to be angry about it.
She is doing better though. I think, since this pacemaker, that she is thinking better. I can't know yet. She is at the hospital, and since my Sister is in town and up there watching her this afternoon (tonight's my turn), I used today to go out and run errands, buy groceries, and ship Hudson heads...yes, SOME of you get your heads this week. I only had time to pack about seven of them. Guess we find out who in a few days. You others, bear with me. I will be packing and shipping more as I can.
I haven't been out much to see, but news crews from all over are in town. FOX, Weather channel, LOTS of US Forestry guys, LOTS...trucks with tractors and all, dirty, charred tractors, moving all over town. Lots of signs saying "God Bless our Firefighters" on every storefront...it's like a war...and then...
The smoke! Today, I learned that the fire, which started north west of us, has burned all the way around to the due south of us...like Indians circling the camp! And the plume of smoke made me stop the car and get out and look. Looks like an atomic bomb...HUGE mushroom towering over town! And they say the flames are reaching 150 feet tall just three miles to the south!
Can you say...DAMN! Witnesses likened it to the Balrog approaching!

I guess we have some LOTR fans around here...
SO...Life's not dull here gang. My mind harkens to the words of Creech, hope it ain't burning up my driveway soon friend! I will be packing me some 1/6 figures soon!!!!
And no, Ironman...you can't have any! ...yet...
I plan to take my camera out when I can, and get pics. This is wild. Like a warzone. When I am not with my Mom at the hospital that is. So much going on.
And I have told my Mom of your thoughts and support of her. She has very much appreciated them. As have I.