Umm, not I did not. I logged in to see a PM from you entitled "Scar"
You wanted my Scar for a custom and were willing to trade me a complete V1 Wolf, and Lost Predators.
I responded saying I wasn't sure, can I see pics?? You in turn sent them too me, and I said no, because I didn't want this Scar going to someone that wouldn't keep him whole. You said you understood and that was the last of that.
Until I PM'd you about the Wolf parts(that I said I'd trade my T-600 for) and at first you said you'd just give them to me.....and again, you never responded to the PM I sent to you after you told me that.(I believe that's even in this thread somewhere).
So whatever, either sell me the Lost parts I need, or don't.
and how many times i have to say i wont??