Hi everyone,
just a quick post, sorry i haven't been very active. Currently interning for Industrial Design in Boca Raton, FL.
I will have a few new sculpts this fall
In case any of you are interested...
I have two PAINTED Neo Head sculpts with painted sunglasses left.
Sean Ho has them ready to ship out directly. These are very rare because Sean Ho does not have time for many repaints these days.
He is one of the best repainters I have ever worked with, his work is detailed and top notch.
He sculpted the Neo and Morpheus sunglasses and did some retouch work on the Neo sculpt as well.
He also painted the Tyler Durden heads you see on my website.
here are some images of how they look painted:
They are $150 shipped worldwide, only two left.
First come, first serve.
The first 3 were sold out, so I ordered another four and now I only have two left.
PLease respond back asap and I will give you the confirmation to send me payment.
Hope this helps,