New Animated figures from gg

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Super Freak
May 31, 2006
Reaction score


pretty good

some of the other maquettes look better in person too
hairlesswookiee said:
will pass... i think i might just stick to the clone wars maquettes.

Me too. I like that they are incorporating some other clone wars characters still. Just need a Dooku, Shaak Ti, and Mace.
Darth Loki said:
Me too. I like that they are incorporating some other clone wars characters still. Just need a Dooku, Shaak Ti, and Mace.

yes!!! what about palpatine??...i'd also take a kitt fisto from the episode with him in ocean.
hairlesswookiee said:
yes!!! what about palpatine??...i'd also take a kitt fisto from the episode with him in ocean.

Of course and a Durge and pretty much any other character that was in clone wars. I'm just going to stay away from the OT maquettes. And don't forget that soon GG will be announcing PT animated maquettes!
I got mixed feelings about the lack of metallic paint for 3PO. In a way it is accurate to the cartoon but there is that scene with Anakin and Padme on Clone Wars.

I see why they had to pair him up with someone since they did the same with R2.
The C-3PO is nice, but why is it from the OTC instead of the Clone Wars? I was hoping they had wisened up and decided not to do Roron Corobb. He didn't even win the fan's choice poll and he's the 12th character to get a maquette. Before Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Chancellor Palpatine and/or Darth Sidious? Heck, I'd rather have a second Obi-Wan or Anakin before this guy. I'd have to expect an extremely small edition size.
Obi-TN said:
The C-3PO is nice, but why is it from the OTC instead of the Clone Wars? I was hoping they had wisened up and decided not to do Roron Corobb. He didn't even win the fan's choice poll and he's the 12th character to get a maquette. Before Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Chancellor Palpatine and/or Darth Sidious? Heck, I'd rather have a second Obi-Wan or Anakin before this guy. I'd have to expect an extremely small edition size.

Welcome to the forums Obi-TN

I agree that there are more deserving characters to get a maquette. My biggest fear is that they'll focus too much on OT characters and leave a lot of these Clone Wars characters out in the cold.
I like it, looks pretty much like he did in CW. The CW Animated Luke in X-wing gear is the one I'm iffy on, saw itin person and was hoping for Jedi Luke.