New Boss At Fireside Collectibles

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OMG... I did not even know you guys were expecting again. Glad to hear that everybody is ok. Damn Bob... you almost have a soccer team now... guess we know what you do at night you norty Bob you :D
Great news Bob, grats on the new lil' one!

We just named our third child Andrew ... good choice! :cool:
Is this why people always tell me Bob is glad to see ya? Congratulations Bob. Practise makes perfect. Are you sure you haven't got it right yet? I hope the new boss doesn't cut your pay. When you get to a dozen it ought to be cheaper. Go for gold.
Bob, I had no idea...

Congratulations to you and your wife and family.

All the best my friend.

Thank you all for the kind words and the congrats anyone want to change some diapers for me for like a year. I could come up with a big discount code if you are willing. LOL
I'm still changing plenty over here Captain...

But, hey, I'll still help out...I'll send a "Diaper Genie" over there first thing.

Now I know why you are giving away all the free stuff. Need the shelf space for diapers. :D
Congrats on the is there a race between you and Azog as to who will be first with the next one?

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