Super Freak
Hi all (and especially UK based collectors),
Started statue collecting in April (although I had some original comic art and other pieces before) and although beginning to slow down have still got a problem lol
Currently: I have mostly pfs/1/4 scale pieces on display
Gambit reg pf (awesome-would only replace with ex)
Thor reg pf (comic version)-again awesome-would only replace if got ex
Conan the prize ex
Arnie T-800 pf ex. You will think I am mad but had the 1/4 scale T-800 endoskeleton and sold it in favour of this (as not into shrines just the best version of a character for me). The pose is great as is the paint app on having a mini arnie lol
Mystique comiquette reg: yummy get away with it with the wife cos she is blue
Darth Talon ex pf: yummy get away with it with the wife cos she is red
Vampirella pf ex: dont get away with it...wiife barely tolerates it lol
Wolverine pf ex
Sabretooth pf ex
Punisher comiquette ex
She hulk pf ex. Think this is an underated piece. Sexy but dressed. Great head sculpt, Great paint app on mine and fantastic base.
Spiderman comiquette reg
Princess Leia pf ex (for the future droids lol)
Ms Marvel reg pf
Boba Fett pf
Darth Maul pf (Darth Talons better half???!!!!!!!??)
On preorder:
Got into this before dc really started
Joker reg from european retailer (bah humbug-missed po on this)
Batman ex pf
Poison Ivy ex pf
Storm pf of my favourite x-men. Was and am still disappointed with this one of what i have seen..but still getting her ...Had to go ex for obvious reasons lol
Dark rider on steed (NRD stopping me cancelling me at present-but not feeling the love now I have had one lotro piece..They are nice but feel the sculpts dont fit in with what I am mainly collecting or attracted to..dont really know why as huge fan of book and movies)
I have the following reg on preorder with forbidden planet:
The droids
I will of course have that SUPERMAN pf. So tempted to buy galactus---
and deadpool pf...50;50 on the new shaak ti pf...would go well with Talon
Loving the hawkeye pf as well. No need for the ex though so waiting that one out
In the attic...for fund re-dispersal:
Currently have a gollum pf, vampirella ex comiquette (my wife would kill me if I tried displaying lol), lara croft ex pf
Had but SOLD: T-800 endo skeleton, Psylocke pf ex, Dagger comiquette, Scarlet Witch comiquette (wife hated are probably seeing a pattern here lol. The pf is awful though IMO), Black queen comiquette (again guess why I sold lol)
Few bishoujo pieces scattered around:
Poison Ivy
Dark Phoenix (Huge Phoenix fan/Jean Grey Fan...cmon sideshow!!!!!)
Emma Frost (again dislike every sideshow piece so far....thinking of picking up a cheap pf and organizing a custom portrait if sideshow have finished with her)
PO Wonderwoman, X-23 variant, Black widow variant
Darth Vader Ridell bust
Bowen Jean Grey full size Jim Lee version
Gentle Giant Yoda clone wars maquette
Gentle Giant Sucker Punch: Sweet Pea. I NEED a babydoll (but waiting to see what impact the sideshow piece has)
Original Comic art:
Jim Lee Doctor Doom Black Ink sketch
Randy queen Vampirella: Coloured Ink pin-up/cover
Would love to save up for a massive painted piece for the wall
First appearances collection:
New Mutants 98: CGC 9.6. First appearance Deadpool
Uncanny Xmen 266: CGC 9.8. First appearance of Gambit
X-Men 101: CGC 9.6. First appearance of Phoenix (its the best I can do for you Jean atm...sideshow cmon!
NYX 1 to 7 NM: X-23 first appearance.
Star Wars Legacy 1 NM: Darth Talon first appearance
New mutants 87: Cable first appearance
Batman 366: Jason Todd first appearance as Robin. Joker story as bonus
PF wants: Jean of course, the DC babes dressed so that dont quite offend the wife lol, and a really good tyrion lannister pf (its probably only me lol)
Searching for: Gentle Giant Babydoll 1/4 scale for reasonable price. May just buy the pf or monitor prices on the gentl;e giant piece after its on EBay
Original 1977 c3p0, r2-d2 toys figs from my youth (my son has the rest ...I know do I sell the lot for a £100 in played in state or let hiim get another generations of enjoyment at of them---went with the latter--same with the was missing a gun anyway)
A pewter discworld (Pratchett), a coat of arms for the city watch and the guild of assassins (I am an anaesthetist or as it is known an anaesthesiologist in the states so I find that one mildly amusing for lots of reasons...................
). Clarecraft discworld bookends
A light up/sounds effects Tardis and sonic screwdriver that doubles as an actual actually useful...although to be honest I mostly use to pretend to fix childrens toys with the sonic bit lol
Best You Tube feeds for me: BruceCamblzChin on this forum: SUBSCRIBED! ..very funny and actually I think really informative reviews. Thats why I bought the arnie pf and ms marvel pf. I marvel at some of the big collectors and reviewers as well...very informative. Statuehunter75 and madxcollector come to mind!
Thats it
Best wishes
Started statue collecting in April (although I had some original comic art and other pieces before) and although beginning to slow down have still got a problem lol

Currently: I have mostly pfs/1/4 scale pieces on display
Gambit reg pf (awesome-would only replace with ex)
Thor reg pf (comic version)-again awesome-would only replace if got ex
Conan the prize ex
Arnie T-800 pf ex. You will think I am mad but had the 1/4 scale T-800 endoskeleton and sold it in favour of this (as not into shrines just the best version of a character for me). The pose is great as is the paint app on having a mini arnie lol
Mystique comiquette reg: yummy get away with it with the wife cos she is blue
Darth Talon ex pf: yummy get away with it with the wife cos she is red
Vampirella pf ex: dont get away with it...wiife barely tolerates it lol
Wolverine pf ex
Sabretooth pf ex
Punisher comiquette ex
She hulk pf ex. Think this is an underated piece. Sexy but dressed. Great head sculpt, Great paint app on mine and fantastic base.
Spiderman comiquette reg
Princess Leia pf ex (for the future droids lol)
Ms Marvel reg pf
Boba Fett pf
Darth Maul pf (Darth Talons better half???!!!!!!!??)
On preorder:
Got into this before dc really started

Joker reg from european retailer (bah humbug-missed po on this)
Batman ex pf
Poison Ivy ex pf
Storm pf of my favourite x-men. Was and am still disappointed with this one of what i have seen..but still getting her ...Had to go ex for obvious reasons lol
Dark rider on steed (NRD stopping me cancelling me at present-but not feeling the love now I have had one lotro piece..They are nice but feel the sculpts dont fit in with what I am mainly collecting or attracted to..dont really know why as huge fan of book and movies)
I have the following reg on preorder with forbidden planet:
The droids
I will of course have that SUPERMAN pf. So tempted to buy galactus---

Loving the hawkeye pf as well. No need for the ex though so waiting that one out
In the attic...for fund re-dispersal:
Currently have a gollum pf, vampirella ex comiquette (my wife would kill me if I tried displaying lol), lara croft ex pf
Had but SOLD: T-800 endo skeleton, Psylocke pf ex, Dagger comiquette, Scarlet Witch comiquette (wife hated are probably seeing a pattern here lol. The pf is awful though IMO), Black queen comiquette (again guess why I sold lol)
Few bishoujo pieces scattered around:
Poison Ivy
Dark Phoenix (Huge Phoenix fan/Jean Grey Fan...cmon sideshow!!!!!)
Emma Frost (again dislike every sideshow piece so far....thinking of picking up a cheap pf and organizing a custom portrait if sideshow have finished with her)
PO Wonderwoman, X-23 variant, Black widow variant
Darth Vader Ridell bust
Bowen Jean Grey full size Jim Lee version
Gentle Giant Yoda clone wars maquette
Gentle Giant Sucker Punch: Sweet Pea. I NEED a babydoll (but waiting to see what impact the sideshow piece has)
Original Comic art:
Jim Lee Doctor Doom Black Ink sketch
Randy queen Vampirella: Coloured Ink pin-up/cover
Would love to save up for a massive painted piece for the wall
First appearances collection:
New Mutants 98: CGC 9.6. First appearance Deadpool
Uncanny Xmen 266: CGC 9.8. First appearance of Gambit
X-Men 101: CGC 9.6. First appearance of Phoenix (its the best I can do for you Jean atm...sideshow cmon!

NYX 1 to 7 NM: X-23 first appearance.
Star Wars Legacy 1 NM: Darth Talon first appearance
New mutants 87: Cable first appearance
Batman 366: Jason Todd first appearance as Robin. Joker story as bonus
PF wants: Jean of course, the DC babes dressed so that dont quite offend the wife lol, and a really good tyrion lannister pf (its probably only me lol)
Searching for: Gentle Giant Babydoll 1/4 scale for reasonable price. May just buy the pf or monitor prices on the gentl;e giant piece after its on EBay
Original 1977 c3p0, r2-d2 toys figs from my youth (my son has the rest ...I know do I sell the lot for a £100 in played in state or let hiim get another generations of enjoyment at of them---went with the latter--same with the was missing a gun anyway)
A pewter discworld (Pratchett), a coat of arms for the city watch and the guild of assassins (I am an anaesthetist or as it is known an anaesthesiologist in the states so I find that one mildly amusing for lots of reasons...................
A light up/sounds effects Tardis and sonic screwdriver that doubles as an actual actually useful...although to be honest I mostly use to pretend to fix childrens toys with the sonic bit lol
Best You Tube feeds for me: BruceCamblzChin on this forum: SUBSCRIBED! ..very funny and actually I think really informative reviews. Thats why I bought the arnie pf and ms marvel pf. I marvel at some of the big collectors and reviewers as well...very informative. Statuehunter75 and madxcollector come to mind!
Thats it
Best wishes
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