Same exact look as that of the SS ROTLA Indy EX, right? Bundled twigs or reeds.... A cast of that would be great.
Nope again. The SS one is like the torch from the beginning scene, the mud torch:
Same exact look as that of the SS ROTLA Indy EX, right? Bundled twigs or reeds.... A cast of that would be great.
Body is a good question. He's about the same height as Indy so I will match the Indy body... of course I may swap Indy out to a Soldier Story body for the sculpted neck.
With Sallah's exposed chest, I think the soldier story may work here for the same reason. Beard should hide the very slim neck. Not sure if the chest will puff out enough for a heavy set man.
I will also use an SS fat suit I have in my parts bin. The squishy nature of the fat suit should create the right 'belly hang' once you tie the sash.
This was my exact plan as well. Like someone else mentioned I do question the shirt size though. I guess I will find out when it gets here.
Ah good call. If anything I will just got with some version of the true type. If a neck as to be visible, oh well. If he does have sculpted neck, even better!