From BC's facebookm page:
Thank god, the world won't end now.
From BC's facebookm page:
ChaserFan;5236988[B said:]Unless your bank gives you an ATM-only card[/B], every person with a bank account should have a debit card. I can't see a reason why you wouldn't want access to your own money to make purchases online![]()
question for those in the know-
if i was to get a 11th doc bc 1/6 fig now from retailer or bay will it have the the matt smith signature on the base or was that limited to a small number of the first run? like are they all signed? thks!
Chaserfan your sig and avatar rocks, luv me some Justified. kill for a Marshal Raylan Givens 1/6 fig. KILL!
Great then that's all i really wanted to know and was hoping for that answer. So happy all round now, thanks BC. Bring on Tennant and we can close that discussion entirely.
Signed ones were limited to 250 and exclusive to BC themselves.
Chaserfan your sig and avatar rocks, luv me some Justified. kill for a Marshal Raylan Givens 1/6 fig. KILL!
I think it's perfectly healthy to have different points of view and opinions in this community and of life in general and no, suprisingly the world wasn't about to end. As a planet we all got past 21/12/2012 just as we did the topic of conversation. Perhaps the good doctor has done it again and had a hand in that "time can be rewritten.."
I need to know if they'll take Skittles as payment.
5 minutes later: I need to know NOW.
5 minutes later: Omg I made a post 5 minutes ago why didn't they answer!
I think it's BC who have been rewriting time... the fact is they did write on their FB page:
What's the payment method for the pre-order? Is PayPal accepted?
Doctor Who Action Figures Online BIG Chief have Paypal facilities, but we are not sure this will be an option for pre-orders. Make sure you register your interest for more details!
Following a fuss that was largely generated by you Skaro, and quite rightly, BC announced that people had 'gotten the wrong idea.' Well, not really - their original post is pretty clear, 'we are not sure this will be an option for pre-orders.' A few hours later, they are sure.
The Verdict: GOOD WORK ALL ROUND, GUYS. Well done to Skaro for noticing it and questioning it. Well done to BC for smoothly backtracking while pretending that everyone else had got the wrong idea (guys, where are you when I need someone reliable to phone my wife and lie to her about my whereabouts?). And to think we were worried about your business acumen, when you've clearly got more front than Harrods.
We move on.
Doctor Who Action Figures Online: BIG Chief have Paypal facilities, but we are not sure this will be an option for pre-orders. Make sure you register your interest for more details!