New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!



OMG... even the buttons are spot on... NOW that is what I'm talkin bout!
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I just can't wait for Colin Baker. I really hope he gets made, he's probably my favorite classic Doctor.

He's far from my favorite, but I do like him and would be intrested to see what sort of job Big Chief would do with his likeness as CO never really captured it that well.

And when it comes to his costume the level of detail that could be incorporated because of the larger scale could really make his figure something special....a proper watch on a chain and a sculpted cat badge are a couple of things not possible in a smaller scale so I would expect things like that to be considered if Big Chief make him.

I'm not quite ready to jump onboard yet but I am encouraged by the quality of 11 and am confident that if Tom gets made, he'll rock!

My guess on the price is £120-£150
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Okay....anyone wanna guess how much this is gonna come to?

They are a new company with a big license... I don't think we can expect a bargain, but I'm expecting something on par wit current 'big boy' prices.

I'm not quite ready to jump onboard yet but I am encouraged by the quality of 11 and am confident that if Tom gets made, he'll rock!

My guess on the price is £120-£150

I NEEEEEEEEED Tom's Doc (and Pertwee's for that matter), and I'd say you are in the right ball park on price.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

What is that in dollars? About $185 - 220

I would feel ok in the low and of that.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

They are a new company with a big license... I don't think we can expect a bargain, but I'm expecting something on par wit current 'big boy' prices.

I NEEEEEEEEED Tom's Doc (and Pertwee's for that matter), and I'd say you are in the right ball park on price.

I think in some circles ( a couple of UK based fansites I occasionally visit ) people are so used to CO's pricepoints they're expecting Big Chief to be similar but one look at the latest pic really says it all....that sort of quality doesn't come cheap.

Pertwee would be my second most wanted Doctor after Tom. After that I probably want 7 & Ace as I'm already sorted for Troughton & co thanks to WGP.

Has anything been said about the materials 11's accessories are going to be made of?

No squishy plastic I hope!
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

What is that in dollars? About $185 - 220

I would feel ok in the low and of that.

Almost. I just checked with and it was $185-$230.

Which for the quality that 11 appears to be wouldn't be too bad.

Other figures could possibly be a bit cheaper as they wouldn't be paying out for a new base body each time.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

What is that in dollars? About $185 - 220

I would feel ok in the low and of that.

Well. its a weird set of affairs, $ price is usually a lot less than £ price (obviously I know the exchange rate dictates that) but the reason I always bought stuff direct from HK was that even with shipping you saved loads compared to British on line prices. For example Asian sellers would place product on US and UK eBay with a price of $150 and £150 for the same product, and when the exchange rate is right that makes a mahoosive difference. Who knows (pun not intended) this might end up on Sideshows site if the gods all align. They must be "ahem" monitoring interest... I'd start requesting they stock it... I dont know if Big Chief want or even need a distributor in the US, but people power makes things happen.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I actually posted on SS's facebook page a question asking whether they are planning to distribute. I sure hope they are.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

It would be nice if you guys could give us the full reveal after tonight's episode.:)
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I'm expecting the reveal next week, after the last episode of the series.

And totally unrelated: Finally finished my 11th Doctor cosplay outfit for FACTS 2011. Finally got a correct watch! Julian Glover will be there as guest (played Count Scarlioni in City of Death). Totally gonna get my autograph! I have another autograph of a 4th Doctor era extra but I have no idea which episode he was in.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I just can't wait for Colin Baker. I really hope he gets made, he's probably my favorite classic Doctor.

Ah, another Colin Baker fan. :hi5:

Big fan of Colin Baker's Doctor (even if he didn't always have the best material to work with), glad to see other fans of one of the most under-rated and under-appreciated Doctors. He gets the short end of the stick far too much from Who fandom. Maybe we should start a club... :lol
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Damn impressive. This bodes very well for future releases, as clearly they have the right talent on board.

If other releases are as good as this then they shouldn't have any trouble selling. Mind you, high end Doctor Who pieces have traditionally been a tough market to crack, so here's hoping these guys can break that barrier once and for all, because I'd love to see all the Docs (and other characters) if they can maintain this kind of quality...
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

If they can do that in 1/6th scale (and the production ones look pretty much just as good), just imagine how awesome a 4th Doc and Sarah Jane will look at 1/4 scale.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Indeed. I'm really looking forward to that first 1:4 reveal...
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Tailoring is superb, I'm glad they stuck with British talent instead of overseas!!!
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

The Brits make the best things. Like that Open Pandora computer. All British and much better than anything else I've used.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

He does indeed look wonderful.

My only worry would be that the actual item once gone through the manufacturing process will still look as good. Something that many of Sideshows past figures used to suffer from.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

He does indeed look wonderful.

My only worry would be that the actual item once gone through the manufacturing process will still look as good. Something that many of Sideshows past figures used to suffer from.

An excellent point.

As many Sideshow figures illustrate it can only take a bad production paintjob to ruin a headsculpt or a last minute change of materials to make the attire look worse than the proto so here's hoping Big Chief are on the ball.

What are the accessories going to be made from?

Any diecast or will it be a hard plastic?

Either would be preferable to that stuff CO have to use....sonic screwdrivers shouldn't bend :lol
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