New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I like to compare these with paintings. Back in the earlier centuries, a new painting cost around 50 in local currency, while nowadays, a new painting can cost ten times as much, for no apparant reason. Prices go higher, because source materials cost more. Like with fruits, we pay 5 quid for 4 oranges when they used to be 99 cents, same with most fabrics, the cost increases because some fabrics are getting more difficult to make because we're running out of source material.

Of course, that's just how I see it, your opinion may vary.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I can't think one thing I don't like about this figure.

Paint looks great to me.
Sculpt is awesome.
Tailoring seems to be A+
I can't wait to see the box art.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I would like to begin this post by stating that by no means is this meant as a reply in defence of our pricing or quality of product. Rather more it is merely a statement of the facts.

To state that figures such as those made by Hot Toys, Enterbay Sideshow or ourselves are action figures could not be further from the truth. Action figures, whilst achieving an amazing level of detail these days, are largely targeted at children. They are by definition a play thing, not a display item intended for serious collectors.

With the ever increasing cost of labour and materials, manufacturing costs are growing higher year on year. Nothing would make us as a company more proud, than to be able to be in a position to manufacture our product domestically in the UK. The reality is this will never happen, unless we either dramatically downgrade the quality of our products, or are able to source a work force who are willing to work for 80 pence per hour.

On top of the cost to develop such a high-end figure with a detailed portrait, hand-tailored clothing, accessories, display and packaging, there is the licensor royalty to take into consideration, shipping, importation tax and duty. Finally on top of these costs there is the retailer margin.

It may come as a surprise to many here that in fact the retailer will make more money from the sale of a single figure than the manufacturer themselves, unless the product is being sold direct to the customer. Ironic given that the manufacturer bears all the risk and cost of bringing any product to market, but this is the game we are all playing.

The level of workmanship required to manufacture such high-end figures does not come cheap. Every line of stitching on a piece of clothing is an operation that has a cost attached to it. The more detailed, the greater the cost. These figures feature tailored costumes, not standardised clothing made to fit all.

The majority of operations required to realise these products are hand done, not churned out by a machine. You only have to look at some of the beautifully hand-made customs produced by the talented artists on this board. Elvis’ recent Factory Worker custom figure was offered as an extremely limited run for $800 a piece! Why so much? Because each piece is hand-made by one guy. Now times that by 2000 pieces and the only way to produce in such high numbers is to go abroad where labour is much, much cheaper. The work is largely the same, OK maybe with a few automated processes, but on the whole it is the same job being done.

You want cheaper, you have to despec, i.e. reduce quality, whether it be paint ops, or costuming or by reducing components. These are the facts plain and simple.

There is a myth perpetuated throughout many a forum that all we, or any other manufacturer need do is "reduce cost and you will sell more, it is obvious." Wrong period. The difference in unit cost between 1000 and 2000 is very minimal, nowhere near what you would expect. Bottom line whether you make 1000 or 10,000 they are still hand-made and there are only so many hours in a day and so many workers to do the job.

This is a great hobby that we not only love, but now happily find ourselves working on. We are fans ourselves and we love that there are so many manufacturers now striving to reach new levels of excellence in producing high-end figures.

To use an analogy what would you rather be driving a Ford or an Audi? Now there is nothing wrong with either, but I bet you that majority would say the latter no matter what the cost.

To each their own and so it should be.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Couldn't have said it better than Big Chief themselves. Everything costs more. No only the products, but also manufacturing. If every company went back to the prices 5-10 years ago, they wouldn't be able to give quality due to crap materials and a plain box and the hobby would get its downfall because companies can't meet their bills because they spend more than they can earn.

Add to that I personally would like to pay €200 for a high quality product that's in scale with my whole collection than the €20-per-figure for the rather poor Character Options figures.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Aw man, I hope this doesn't devolve into a flame war. That would be sad. :\

Everyone has different budgets and different things that are "worth it" to them. I know some ladies spend a redonkulous amount of money on a single pair of uncomfortable (but stylish shoes). I spend my money on making costumes and sometimes toys. So you know, it's ok if someone doesn't think the figure I bought is worth what I paid for it. Cause it's worth it to me.

I'm pretty jazzed that BC and Hot Toys and some other companies are now doing true enough facial sculpts and much better costuming than was around a while back. (ie, the costumes look lovely and inscale and don't look like awkward sacks). I also really like that in a lot of cases, the figure's articulated bodies reflect the character/actor they're based on, instead of using the same buff-dude articulated figure and just replacing the head.

Like for instance, I like that BC's 11 figure (from what I can tell from product pictures) has a gangly look to it's body.

Basically, I won't buy the $50-$whatever doll if the face doesn't look amazing anymore. I don't care if it's my favorite character. I'm in my mid-30s, I'm an artist (with all the paraphernalia that includes), I'm a hobbiest costumer (which eats up 80% of my garage) and have various other comics/videogame/toy hobbies. There is NO ROOOOOM. I don't have the money or room in my house for an "ok" toy/doll/figure/whatever. I'm not going to keep mine in a storage box somewhere eating up space.

I WILL save my money up and pay the price (within reason) for a really fabulous figure of a character I really love. HT's Jack Sparrow was worth it to me, and BC's 11 (and I'm sure 10, YAAAAY 10!!) will be worth it to me... and then I'll probably sit on my hands for another couple years... because as of now the only other thing I'd really be willing to buy would be a totally amazing Han Solo. :3

Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

ordered, it hurts, but he's my daughters favourite, so he'll be added to the shelves. Not sure if I'd pay extra for the signature editon always, but for the first of the line, i went the extra.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I have no problem paying for quality, just as long as the production piece matches the prototype.

Is this an expensive piece? Sure, but to me I honestly don't consider it to be excessively so. And it is also a character I love done to a quality that I, as a collector, expect and strive for. As such it earns its place on my ever diminishing shelf space.

Honestly I don't get the complaints about price to the degree that they have been made, as to me it is only marginally more than I might expect from a piece of this quality. Besides, as as a new player in the game with a new license trying to compete with the big boys in a market where high end Who collectibles have traditionally not done well (even Weta's high end statue line attempt failed, for example) I am happy to pay slightly more than I might have initially hoped as long as they manage to bring the quality.

And regardless of what one might think about how expensive overall the current licensed 1/6 scale market has become, again it is not like the price on this is way out of whack with the current market, it is just hovering around the higher end. And it should also be noted that UK currency rates play a part in this as well, as both on their end as a UK based company, and on us rest-of-worlders when buying. Nothing much anyone can do about that, certain markets are just more expensive for certain things.

Also, the likeness and tailoring is better than any human-based Sideshow 12" I've seen, and this price is still no worse than most recent licensed Medicom releases, who have never done anything this good, as far as either likeness or tailoring goes. Point is, I guess, it might not be cheap, but as long as it is this good I can live with it. Now all that said, ultimately worth is a personal thing, so while it might be worth the cost to me I don't expect it is to everyone, and I understand that, my point is more that I don't see this price range as ripping anyone off or cynically gouging consumers when it is all broken down and examined.

Hell, I'm not even traditionally a 12" figure collector, I've only ever purchased one Sideshow 12" figure (seen a great many in person though), and wasn't happy with that once I got it. And it has only been the standouts in the format over the past couple of years that has drawn me into considering and collecting things in this scale and product type, stuff like Enterbay's Jack Bauer, and some of Hot Toys recent licensed work. And while the older-school style of solid painted head sculpt may not be quite as realistic on his piece as what Enterbay and Hot Toys does these days, the sculpt quality, likeness, and tailoring looks every bit as good in my opinion, so to me this has earnt a place amongst the top tier, even if it is using an older style sculpting and painting process. You know, just so long as the production piece matches the prototype. Like any company or artist, I expect the more that they do the better they will get as well.

One final point I'll make, and then I'll finally shut up on the topic. But let us not forget that Who fans who wanted something of any level of quality at a 1/6 scale before have had to rely on pieced together customs, and to piece together something even half way decent looking you'd end up paying a lot more than the market price on this, and that is if you are using mostly pre-existing stuff. Hell an unpainted custom head sculpt is expensive enough all on its own. And If you are buying custom clothing on top of that for your piece together project, look out...

Again I'm not saying that this is cheap, hell, nothing at this price is, all I'm saying is that with everything taken into consideration, while it may not be a nargain, personally I do think it is a fair price, just so long as they can deliver a final product to the same quality as shown. And personally I'm taking a leap of faith in hoping that they can.

Roll on Doctor #10...
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Big Chief, judging by the pics of tennant on your site have you decided on the brown striped suit over the blue for the 10th Doctor?
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Big Chief, judging by the pics of tennant on your site have you decided on the brown striped suit over the blue for the 10th Doctor?

Hoping for a variant with the blue suit. Or I'd make one myself!
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Big Chief, don't forget to capture 10's famous eyebrow.


Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Right on, ex-parrot!

As to 10, I always Preferred the brown suit, the blue was always a little melancholy for me and the brown was his first and last suit.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

Right on, ex-parrot!

As to 10, I always Preferred the brown suit, the blue was always a little melancholy for me and the brown was his first and last suit.

Ya I'm leaning more towards the brown, like you said it was his first and last suit and the blue would be much easier to source by yourself.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

He should come with..

Brown outfit.
Blue outfit.
Closed Sonic.
Extended Sonic.
TimeyWimey Detector.
Serious headsculpt.
Smiling headsculpt.
Future Sonic.
Journal of Impossible Things.
Flower neckthingmabob.
Psychic Paper again.
Thingmabob he used in Partners in Crime to track the car.
Webley Revolver.
3D Glasses.
Saxon poster.

And everything else I've missed.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

He should come with..

Brown outfit.
Blue outfit.
Closed Sonic.
Extended Sonic.

TimeyWimey Detector.
Serious headsculpt.
Smiling headsculpt.
Future Sonic.
Journal of Impossible Things.
Flower neckthingmabob.
Psychic Paper again.
Thingmabob he used in Partners in Crime to track the car.
Webley Revolver.
3D Glasses.
Saxon poster.

And everything else I've missed.

That's an ambitious list!:lol, I put in bold what I think we will get from it.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I run my own business that's in the "one artist making everything" category, and as a result I basically never get into an argument with anyone about pricing. I've been on the receiving end of enough disapproving looks or rude comments for that! lol. But 99% of the time on items like this people are not trying to screw you with price. It's a legit reflection of effort, detail, and cost of materials. Especially noting that plastics, vinyls and resins are all made with petroleum products. Doing the kind of painting figures like this require is for sure a special skill in limited supply. In fact I saw a lovely presentation by some folks involved in designer toy production who talked about the artists in China who paint for them. Sure, it's a factory, but it's actual people - not machines - who do all the work. It's easy to forget.

Bottom line, if it's worth it to you, it's worth it. If it's not, move on.

At the risk of starting a DIFFERENT flamewar, I'm not that big a fan of 10... and the idea of teeny 1:6 3D glasses nevertheless makes me squee
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I would like to begin this post by stating that by no means is this meant as a reply in defence of our pricing or quality of product. Rather more it is merely a statement of the facts.

To state that figures such as those made by Hot Toys, Enterbay Sideshow or ourselves are action figures could not be further from the truth. Action figures, whilst achieving an amazing level of detail these days, are largely targeted at children. They are by definition a play thing, not a display item intended for serious collectors.

With the ever increasing cost of labour and materials, manufacturing costs are growing higher year on year. Nothing would make us as a company more proud, than to be able to be in a position to manufacture our product domestically in the UK. The reality is this will never happen, unless we either dramatically downgrade the quality of our products, or are able to source a work force who are willing to work for 80 pence per hour.

On top of the cost to develop such a high-end figure with a detailed portrait, hand-tailored clothing, accessories, display and packaging, there is the licensor royalty to take into consideration, shipping, importation tax and duty. Finally on top of these costs there is the retailer margin.

It may come as a surprise to many here that in fact the retailer will make more money from the sale of a single figure than the manufacturer themselves, unless the product is being sold direct to the customer. Ironic given that the manufacturer bears all the risk and cost of bringing any product to market, but this is the game we are all playing.

The level of workmanship required to manufacture such high-end figures does not come cheap. Every line of stitching on a piece of clothing is an operation that has a cost attached to it. The more detailed, the greater the cost. These figures feature tailored costumes, not standardised clothing made to fit all.

The majority of operations required to realise these products are hand done, not churned out by a machine. You only have to look at some of the beautifully hand-made customs produced by the talented artists on this board. Elvis’ recent Factory Worker custom figure was offered as an extremely limited run for $800 a piece! Why so much? Because each piece is hand-made by one guy. Now times that by 2000 pieces and the only way to produce in such high numbers is to go abroad where labour is much, much cheaper. The work is largely the same, OK maybe with a few automated processes, but on the whole it is the same job being done.

You want cheaper, you have to despec, i.e. reduce quality, whether it be paint ops, or costuming or by reducing components. These are the facts plain and simple.

There is a myth perpetuated throughout many a forum that all we, or any other manufacturer need do is "reduce cost and you will sell more, it is obvious." Wrong period. The difference in unit cost between 1000 and 2000 is very minimal, nowhere near what you would expect. Bottom line whether you make 1000 or 10,000 they are still hand-made and there are only so many hours in a day and so many workers to do the job.

This is a great hobby that we not only love, but now happily find ourselves working on. We are fans ourselves and we love that there are so many manufacturers now striving to reach new levels of excellence in producing high-end figures.

To use an analogy what would you rather be driving a Ford or an Audi? Now there is nothing wrong with either, but I bet you that majority would say the latter no matter what the cost.

To each their own and so it should be.

I think It bares repeating. :)
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!

I might need to get 4 or 5 10th Doctors..

Regular brown suit.
Regular brown suit with coat.
Custom blue suit.
John Smith.
Suit for Raggedy Doctor.

Blame the completist in me.
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