New Episode of South Park, "Raping of Indy" Anybody else see that?

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But Lucas is more of the Emporor. So...throw him down the shaft. Besides, he hasnt done a good movie....ever in what.....30 or so years.

Oh and FYI, I respect Steven, and loath
Boy, no kidding. I bought a copy for my daughter expecting some injected deleted scenes, better sound and some "improved" visuals. The CG E.T. character is not an improvement!! It only cheapened a true classic.
I haven't watched it since...

I never knew he re-edited ET! Glad I didn't buy another version!

I saw it and laughed my ass off. Loved the subtle jokes in the background like the Howard The Duck Pinball machine, and aping the Deliverance and The Accused rape scenes.
I think it's one of their best episodes in quite some time.
I'm sorry, but it seems there are 2 different camps regarding this episode - those who like Crystal Skull and those who didn't. If you remove your feelings for the film, can you honestly say this was a funny episode? Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that Trey and Matt took 2 jokes (Indy's "rape" and China) and stretched them to the breaking point over 22 minutes. I admit I liked KOTCS. But, I also see it's weaknesses. I also love biting satire. If the episode had actually taken time to mock those, I would have enjoyed it. But, they took the "raped my childhood" bit, which has been played out since Phantom Menace and ran it into the ground. Their satire of Jar-Jar, or the editing of Star Wars, ET, and Raiders was hilarious. This ... not so much. I hope this is a one time offense. But, if this is the direction that the show is taking ... seems Matt and Trey may have already Jumped the Shark. And yes, that term is as played out as "raped my childhood", but I am too lazy to think up anything else ... acceptable for a forum post ... NOT acceptable for 22 minutes of television.
I love that they referenced the people who loved this film through Butters!

I think Lucas and Spielberg needed a kick in the a$$ - it seems like a lot of people want to love it so much, they convince themselves it's good, and that included (suprisingly) a lot of critics. Same as what people did with Episode 1 at first... I have a feeling Indy IV won't be remembered fondly in the long term.
seems Matt and Trey may have already Jumped the Shark. And yes, that term is as played out as "raped my childhood", but I am too lazy to think up anything else ...

actually, according to wiki, the new term is "nuking the fridge". :lol

I agree that this episode as a whole wasn't very good, but the skewering of GL and KotCS was fun.
For the most part I liked the episode but it did go a little far with the actual rape scenes.
Bah. Funny is funny. I like KOTCS just fine and think its "haters" have long since gone overboard (it's not nearly as much of a "childhood-raping" as the SW PT), but this episode was just funny for those of us with a sick sense of humor.

It's all satire mixed with crude bathroom humor anyway. You don't have to agree with (or even get) the subject matter to appreciate the sick humor.

And I truly doubt Lucas or Spielberg gives a ^^^^ (same with Matt and Trey). Hell, if anything the four of them could probably get together and all have a laugh at the expense of those who do take it all seriously.
Oops, the article I mentioned is already in the other thread in the Indiana Jones section. Never mind ! :)
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Viacom which owns Comedy Central, also owns Paramount - I'm wondering if this episode may be suppressed after a while.
I'm the odd duck. I didn't find this episode very funny at all, and I love SP.

The only time I laughed was when Butters was singing his little song in the tub.

From the new episode last night, October 15th:

Butters: "Yeah, if you got beat up by a girl, everyone would think you were a ******."

OLOLOLOLOLOL ^^^^in' Butters, the Grandmaster of them all!!!!

Butters: "Well, I hope not. I wanna see Eric kick the crap out of her!"