Okay.. but just another teaser for now ...
I don't own any previous Deckard efforts because I've never seen one that made me excited to have him on the shelf... until now. This figure is what I want on the shelf to represent Blade Runner.
Damn you all! Hate having to compete for toys! Ugh.
Why do we have to compete? Is this a limited fixed run, like a Rainman thing? If so, price may bump me out... but man I hope not.
but not outfits sadly.
This is VM's greatest accomplishment. Amazing!
Let me know if you have an easy / uncomplicated way to put the Revenge Replicant head on a TT plz! The original figure's got an stupid long neck.A little off-topic (but not by much)...does anyone know what the BEST Rutger Hauer BATTY sculpt out there? I have the Bros. Production "Revenge of the Replicant" figure and want to switch the clothes to a TT and use a better BATTY sculpt...so I can display him with VM's Deckard.