I have a creepy and The Shining related story to tell ........... I recently acquired a pharmacy prescription courier run and deliver city-wide. I must say though, this run has really depressed me to the point where I hope to pass it on to another contractor. All day long I deliver important drugs to recovering drug addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes. I also deliver to the elderly and people with special needs.
One of my deliveries is to a very run down part of town ....... to an appartment that somewhat resembles the hallways of the hotel in the Shining (its that old now)
I deliver to a woman in room "237" that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up everytime I see her. She even resembles the old decomposed lady from that scene but younger. She is VERY strange ......... she won't respond to the buzzer ......... won't answer her phone and won't even answer my knock at the door (Sometimes)
When she actually does answer the door I always expect her to be laughing hyterically with her arms up in the air coming at me. If I ever do come up to her door and its unlocked and cracked open, i'm not going in.