New Jango and New Boba figs! Medicom

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cool! better wrist joint!
Green capes, brown capes, red helmets, orange helmets,'s still boba fett and it's ALL GOOD!! (baby):goodpost::goodpost:
well I also got my Boba & Jango today. The body is extremely tight, which I like. I have not got Jango out of the box yet. I did notice something ( I don't know if it has been brought up yet) You can see a chin (skin colored) and a green covered head under the boba helmet. I thought that was neat!
Rotj boba fett also has two (2) fuel hoses feeding his flame thrower gauntlet. ( not one) i'm very surprised this was not mentioned by one of the stormtrooper teeth counters:wave
was planning on waiting to get sideshows boba and pass on this one but ah what the heck cna never have too many boba figures :lol. awesome pictures everyone now im gonna see who has this guy in stock so i can order.:pray:
Just took him out of the box....

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" height="640" width="480" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">Jango</a></td></tr></table>

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" height="640" width="480" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">Jango</a></td></tr></table>

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">Jango</a></td></tr></table>
All in all I am glad I got him!! Great quality. I know the photos aint the best. But I took them just a few minutes ago.

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">Jango</a></td></tr></table>

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">Jango</a></td></tr></table>

<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">Jango</a></td></tr></table>
This is what I was tlaking about with Boba's head under the helmet. You can see the chin And I am curious weather the head is complete or an incomplete head. I have not got the nerve to try to remove it yet.

Incomplete. Just like the original.

And Os, those are some OUTSTANDING pics of Jango!!

I love it when people push the figures to the limit!