New Resident Evil Fan Questions.

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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I've never been a huge gamer outside fighting games, and the occasional old-school classic. However I love Capcom, I love horror and I like me some zombies. That combined with how awesome the MvC3 lineup looks, has me looking back at a franchise I've never really gotten into.

I know it seems like I've been living in a cave the last 15 years, but aside from playing a few levels of RE5 (and playing as Jill in MvC2,) I've never really played a BIOHAZARD/RE game. Sure, I've known about them my whole life, just never got into them. I've even managed to stay away from the films all this time due to bad reviews (I actually picked up the Steelbook BD of the first movie, but haven't watched it yet.)

I've just ordered the Director's Cut of the first game. Is there anywhere else you hardcore fans would suggest starting? Are the differences drastic enough for me to pick up the original '96 release (Yes, I own all 47 editions of Street Fighter II)? The spooky mansion premise looks interesting, and reading bits of George Romero's original screenplay has piqued my interest. Also, is the GOLD EDITION of RE5 worth picking up? The first version seems like it's worth owning, so is it that much of an improvement?

One last confession: Is it wrong that another motivation for playing the original is how bad-ass the Hot Toys Redfield and Wesker figures look? I'm sorry, but I feel like I need an excuse to get them before they disappear!

I've never been a huge gamer outside fighting games, and the occasional old-school classic. However I love Capcom, I love horror and I like me some zombies. That combined with how awesome the MvC3 lineup looks, has me looking back at a franchise I've never really gotten into.

I know it seems like I've been living in a cave the last 15 years, but aside from playing a few levels of RE5 (and playing as Jill in MvC2,) I've never really played a BIOHAZARD/RE game. Sure, I've known about them my whole life, just never got into them. I've even managed to stay away from the films all this time due to bad reviews (I actually picked up the Steelbook BD of the first movie, but haven't watched it yet.)

I've just ordered the Director's Cut of the first game. Is there anywhere else you hardcore fans would suggest starting? Are the differences drastic enough for me to pick up the original '96 release (Yes, I own all 47 editions of Street Fighter II)? The spooky mansion premise looks interesting, and reading bits of George Romero's original screenplay has piqued my interest. Also, is the GOLD EDITION of RE5 worth picking up? The first version seems like it's worth owning, so is it that much of an improvement?

One last confession: Is it wrong that another motivation for playing the original is how bad-ass the Hot Toys Redfield and Wesker figures look? I'm sorry, but I feel like I need an excuse to get them before they disappear!

If you just stick with the Directors cut of the first one you should be fine. There really are no story related differences, just a few extra unlockables and such. Other than that try to get your hands on the RE1 remake for the gamecube. It's spectacular. Make sure you play RE2 as well. It's typically regarded as the best of the series. If you wanna get em all go for RE3 Nemesis next then RE Code Veronica X, followed by RE4 and then RE5 and if you want get RE Zero for the gamecube as well. Not many people like that one (I love it personally) but it's events take place before the first game. As for which version of RE5 to get...Get the gold edition, it comes with all the DLC that was released for 5 (plus the ability to play with the "move" if you get it on PS3)

:lol no it is not wrong at all to try and justify wanting to get those figures, they're bad ass in every sense of the word. I'd say get em! DO EET NOW!
If you have a Gamecube or Wii I recommend picking up the remake of the original Resident Evil. Not only is it scarier than the older RE games, it's - In my opinion - the best classic-style RE game ever made.

If you have a PS3, the original PS1 Resident Evil games are available on PSN for about $10 I think.
Thanks for the replies!

I saw the first few games on the PSN, but as a collector, I prefer physical media when I can get it. I went ahead and ordered the DC with Redfield on the cover and the RE2 Demo.

The Gamecube remake looks fantastic, but alas, I never owned a GC. I only really use my PS3 and occasionally the ol' Dreamcast. BTW, which versions of RE2 and 3 are superior? I like the idea of wireless controls and upconverted 16x9 video on my PS3, but are the graphics and features on the Dreamcast versions above and beyond their PS counterparts?
Can't help you with the comparison between the PSN versions against the Dreamcast because I've never played the Dreamcast ports outside of RE: Code Veronica. Since you prefer physical copies of games, the Dreamcast versions would make the most sense. I have the PSN version of RE2 and I appreciate the convenience and upconverted graphics though.

It's too bad that you don't have a Gamecube though. Maybe you can pick one up for cheap (they should be nowadays) and also pick up the RE Collection?

Also though they are sub-games, I reccomend RE Survivor and RE Dead Aim. The stroy on those aren't great, but they're still fun to play, especially Dead Aim.

A also agree with my buddy plasmid, if you can find a GC real cheap, pick it up. RE 0 and Remake are more than worth it. Actually I saw a used GC at Gamestop recently for $29.99
I wouldn't bother with REDC, the controls would be so clunky and graphics so antiquated at this point, the REmake for GC and therefore Wii is so much better, you're really doing yourself a disservice by settling for the DC. I'd imagine that the REmake and an old GC could probably be scored for less than the game cost new. . . ahh, I remember back in the day, the REmake is what spurred me to puchase a GC, once it dropped to $149, I dropped $200 at Best Buy for both. If you did manage to buy a used Gamecube, pick up Eternal Darkness, which is a fantastic game, same style as Resident Evil, but with a more Lovecraftian bent.

I'm not sure what RE2 and RE3 versions are on Dreamcast, I wasn't aware there were multiple versions. I know RE2 was heavily modified to fit on an N64 cart. Though I'm sure they've not been updated graphically for Dreamcast, they'd probably be the same version available on PSN.

The Gold Edition of RE5 has all the DLC and Move support. In my opinion, just get a used copy of RE5 and snag the DLC off PSN, I believe it's still half off. It would be cheaper than a copy of the Gold Edition, if you wanted Move support, you'd still have to buy a Move and the EyeToy. It'd run you $200 for the controls and the game, seems like a waste of money to me.

As far as my preferences of the games go. RE0 was supremely weak. RE2 was great. I played REDC after I played RE2, so I didn't think the original game was very good, I was spoiled by RE2. I didn't like RE3 very much. Code Veronica was 'meh'. RE4 was and is will always be my favorite, I love replaying that game. RE5 was okay.
I wouldn't bother with REDC, the controls would be so clunky and graphics so antiquated at this point, the REmake for GC and therefore Wii is so much better, you're really doing yourself a disservice by settling for the DC. I'd imagine that the REmake and an old GC could probably be scored for less than the game cost new. . . ahh, I remember back in the day, the REmake is what spurred me to puchase a GC, once it dropped to $149, I dropped $200 at Best Buy for both. If you did manage to buy a used Gamecube, pick up Eternal Darkness, which is a fantastic game, same style as Resident Evil, but with a more Lovecraftian bent.

I'm not sure what RE2 and RE3 versions are on Dreamcast, I wasn't aware there were multiple versions. I know RE2 was heavily modified to fit on an N64 cart. Though I'm sure they've not been updated graphically for Dreamcast, they'd probably be the same version available on PSN.

The Gold Edition of RE5 has all the DLC and Move support. In my opinion, just get a used copy of RE5 and snag the DLC off PSN, I believe it's still half off. It would be cheaper than a copy of the Gold Edition, if you wanted Move support, you'd still have to buy a Move and the EyeToy. It'd run you $200 for the controls and the game, seems like a waste of money to me.

As far as my preferences of the games go. RE0 was supremely weak. RE2 was great. I played REDC after I played RE2, so I didn't think the original game was very good, I was spoiled by RE2. I didn't like RE3 very much. Code Veronica was 'meh'. RE4 was and is will always be my favorite, I love replaying that game. RE5 was okay.

I quite enjoyed RE0 though story wise it is the weakest of the main series. I love RE3, it's still one of my personal favorites. CVX was ok. I really liked the story and atmosphere but the controls were really terrible. RE4 is my all time favorite game, nuff said and RE5 was good but way too short and not enough horror
and the kill off the series' greatest character
Yeah, I remember being disappointed by CV because by that point in gaming so many games had taken the Resident Evil formula and improved upon it, and the tank controls had been all but retired from gaming, but the series stuck with it due to tradition, I suppose. And to have this game that looked next gen, but controlled like last gen was a a jarring experience.
Thanks for the replies!

I saw the first few games on the PSN, but as a collector, I prefer physical media when I can get it. I went ahead and ordered the DC with Redfield on the cover and the RE2 Demo.

The Gamecube remake looks fantastic, but alas, I never owned a GC. I only really use my PS3 and occasionally the ol' Dreamcast. BTW, which versions of RE2 and 3 are superior? I like the idea of wireless controls and upconverted 16x9 video on my PS3, but are the graphics and features on the Dreamcast versions above and beyond their PS counterparts?
The dreamcast versions are roughly the same as the PS counterparts, maybe a bit smoother on the graphics, but it's almost negligible.
Gamecube's can be found for $30 at Gamestop.
I'd recommend playing through them all in order. The Dreamcast ones aren't really worth hunting down IMO. I have them, but only because I bought them when they were first released. (Code Veronica is still my favorite RE game to date)
Thanks for the responses! As cheap as a GC is, I'm not sure I wanna invest when most of the same basic games are readily available for my PS3 and Dreamcast. However, my girlfriend does have a Wii, so it looks like I'll definitely have to check out RE0, the remake and 4.

Also, where is the best place to pick up the STARS versions of Redfield and Wesker? Or is eBay my best bet at this point. I wanna get them before the prices sky-rocket.
Ebay is the best bet right now. Both can be found at decent prices so I'd get em while you can can as both are probably gonna be tough to find in about a year Wesker especially.
Resident Evil: Archives is a bare-bones Wii port of the 2002's Resident Evil (remake) for GameCube... It's the same game. Same controls. Same graphics. Same 4:3 presentation. And same scares. $30 on Amazon....

Read more: terms of resident evil games the best are to be had on the gamecube. The remake of the first and RE4 were in my opinion the best of the series. Once you play the remake you just cannot go back to the first...the series first games on the psx have no aged well at all.

They should have given them all the same treatment on the gamecube.

That game is still gorgeous.
New vs. Old...


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heh, the original looks so horrible, but i still love it. RE0 RER and RE4 all have Wii versions so your good right there. Get RE5 Gold Edition so you get the game and all the DLC for it. Plus if you get the PS Move you get access to those features as well.

Good to see you have REDC on the way, its a good game and still worth playing even if you intend on playing the remake.
I mostly play older games, so the dated graphics on the REDC won't bother me that much.

Which HT should I pick up first? Wesker or Redfield? Chris seems easier to get, while I'd have to import Wesker.
I wish Silent Hill got this kind of love.......I played RE4 as my first game only...have 5, but have been tempted to find and play the original....RE1 DC is available for $10 on PSN....