It's off to a great start. I wonder what Sideshows strategy is. Rather than go the sure fire big three route, it looks like they are feeling out the market to build up momentum and blow our brains out. It gives those the opportunity of accustomising their desires, and preparing a financial redirection, in advance, while they ponder the one bust they may be prepared to pay this much for.
I don't know I'd be prepared to sacrifce getting the Uni PF's in order to afford a bust. I said the same thing when I had to sacrifice getting a fistful of 1/6 figs to get my first PF. I really don't want to want a 1:1 bust.
If sold out is anything to go by, Sideshow may well decide to take a greater chance before bringing out one of the big guns. I would like to see Dwight Frye get the treatment, which I'd like to see as Renfield. Not much chance of that. Bela has to be done as Drac doesn't he, or I would suggest a White Zombie. As Frankenfan said, a Metulant would just be totally insane. Look at the colours, wow, the size, omg, the shipping, ewww nearly stepped in it.
The ultimate would be the top three as themselves. I can't even afford one. Maybe, because it wont be done, and because I am having to dream anyway, I will dream up a Colin Clive. I've done my bit, okay Sideshow it's up to you.
I can't sculpt, so the idea of trying to make my own 1:1 bust of the Invisible Man, appeals to me as a project. 1:1 parts are more readily available than 1/6th, and a hat and would be relatively cheap new. The tartan scarf could be matched at a Scottish establishment. The bandages in plaster of paris, moulded to my own face, may have to be done in parts to be assembled later would be cheap enough. Matching the goggles might be the hardest search, and a section of a manequins face, to top it off. I think I'm still in dream mode.