I'd love to be a fly on the wall to their planning meetings. Why do we get Commander Praji before Tarkin? Why ANH Han Solo/ANH Leia before Bespin Lando? The choices are mind-boggling to me.
I'm afraid I can't buy either of these ideas.Praji is probably a test figure to make sure things like the uniform and such go over well, along with getting reaction to the plastic vs cloth cap. Plus its an ANH figure that could go with ANH Leia. The reason for ANH Leia and Han before Bespin Lando is because this is the 30th of Star Wars and people wanted heavy hitters. I would be amazed if we didn't see SOME form of Lando this coming year.
I'm afraid I can't buy either of these ideas.
Tarkin is also an ANH figure that would go better with ANH Leia than Praji.
As for the 30th anniversary figures, I'd believe that if they weren't so spaced out and if it included perhaps the most iconic ANH figure of them all; Luke Skywalker. I really don't understand why we get Bespin Luke before him.
Dooku please. For my Jango and well for Asajj to I guess :emperor
Admiral Ackbar, he's one of my favorite aliens. Don't think he'd have many accessories so put hi in the smaller box like yavin luke and make him a sideshow site exclusive, do the same for greedo maybe.
My three in order are Tusken Raider, Yoda, and Dooku. Give me these or Give me Death.