Next Cinemaquette.........Keaton Batman

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Seriously, I can't afford this but if it looks amazing, I'll sell my wife in order to buy it. :lol:lol

Dont tell her I said that please.....
I would really love to see a CM Keaton Batman. However, all this talk is just based on a comment on FB. I will only believe it when I see some pics from SDCC this year. I believe the next release will be previewed at the Con.

That said, really hope CM does Batman. That would be the most anticipated release for me.
I would really love to see a CM Keaton Batman. However, all this talk is just based on a comment on FB. I will only believe it when I see some pics from SDCC this year. I believe the next release will be previewed at the Con.

That said, really hope CM does Batman. That would be the most anticipated release for me.

I think it's pretty safe that the information is accurate. In fact I have the money set aside already. George isn't really cagey about what's coming next. We've pretty much known this since last SDCC.
I too hope it is a returns suit so that I will not be interested. I get the love for the suit but I always go back to the 89 suit.
Curious to see how this turns out. I'm another one who prefers the 89 suit. I actually think the Returns suit is a big step down on the badassery scale.
I can't wait to see this. Hope they will show it duirng SDCC. This could be my 3rd CM product. I always like the returns suit.
I think CMQ haters should stay out of the thread.
As for the outfit - yes, Batman is a better film than Batman Returns, but the suit in the first movie is bulkier and makes less sense. The Returns suit and sleek and more modern. IMHO, a VAST improvement over the first suit.

Im not trying to start anything, but you should say that about practically every thread here.

Haters are going to hate, unfortunately.

I have to put up with Sucker Punch haters in the Sucker Punch thread. I have to put up with Hot Toys haters in the Indiana Jones/POTC/DX Jack threads. I have to put up with Johnny Depp haters in the Sweeney Todd/Johnny Depp threads...see where Im going... :)

But I totally agree with you. If people dont like something they dont need to come in and crap all over it.

As for cinemaguettes, Id love to get them, but like some have said, Ill stick with HT releases. I just cant justify $2000 a pop for these beautiful babies...:peace

PBM even took the post off their FB page, somebody made a whoopsy :panic:. I guess this thread can be deleted, locked, whatever :medic
HAHAHAHA!!! ur all wrong!! I happen 2 know 4 a fact that itz not batman. N i also know what it iz :) and the only hint i will give you is SW :) Id give u another hint but a jedi craves not these things :D
HAHAHAHA!!! ur all wrong!! I happen 2 know 4 a fact that itz not batman. N i also know what it iz :) and the only hint i will give you is SW :) Id give u another hint but a jedi craves not these things :D

Darklord Dave dropped this bomb earlier in the thread, saying Vader would be coming first. :cuckoo:
Yeah well itz a little obvious seeing az itz been known that the 12th CM iz vader 4 awhile now:clap.. Im talking abouth the 13th not the 12th:slap.. It aint batman, pumpkinhead, Or Joker.. Like i said SW.. Search ur feelings and ull know it 2 be true :D 100%