I know it is probably 50/50 at best, but I would love to see Hot Toys make a DS2 Mordo
Yeah I think that'd be great, given how few villains HT makes. Hmm, I can't recall the last one they did, was it WenWu? lol
I know it is probably 50/50 at best, but I would love to see Hot Toys make a DS2 Mordo
Doc Ock.Yeah I think that'd be great, given how few villains HT makes. Hmm, I can't recall the last one they did, was it WenWu? lol
I know it is probably 50/50 at best, but I would love to see Hot Toys make a DS2 Mordo
As for Mordo, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Doc Ock.
HT usually makes the main villain, but only in later years have they made them consistently. Remember, we never got Yon-Rogg, Ego, Ronan, Yellowjacket, Crossobones, and so on. Nobody from the Black Order got made. But now they've even making Electrician Clothes Electro. I hope they keep following the recent trend if I'm being honest, because I want a Kang and a High Evolutionary, casting aside. Maybe they'll bring back Ronan some day too, so that I'll be able to get him as well. It's a crime that Space Judge Dredd played by Lee Pace was so wasted. I suppose it depends on how big enough a name the villain is, and how much they like the character. Rumor has it Stoll is now playing MODOK in AM3, which I'm really curious about, but I doubt we'll see a figure made, unless it's a cool design and they want to do it. 2023 is a relatively light year too.
As for Mordo, I wouldn't hold my breath. It's a packed film in a very packed year. By the time they've churned out the Stranges, Wanda and moved onto Xavier, it'll already be Mando/BP2/Aquaman time. Not to mention Kenobi and Thor inbetween. And there's Black Adam too, and the NWH Spider-Men they haven't shown. It's too much.
HT usually makes the main villain, but only in later years have they made them consistently. Remember, we never got Yon-Rogg, Ego, Ronan, Yellowjacket, Crossobones, and so on. Nobody from the Black Order got made. But now they've even making Electrician Clothes Electro. I hope they keep following the recent trend if I'm being honest, because I want a Kang and a High Evolutionary, casting aside. Maybe they'll bring back Ronan some day too, so that I'll be able to get him as well. It's a crime that Space Judge Dredd played by Lee Pace was so wasted. I suppose it depends on how big enough a name the villain is, and how much they like the character. Rumor has it Stoll is now playing MODOK in AM3, which I'm really curious about, but I doubt we'll see a figure made, unless it's a cool design and they want to do it. 2023 is a relatively light year too.
As for Mordo, I wouldn't hold my breath. It's a packed film in a very packed year. By the time they've churned out the Stranges, Wanda and moved onto Xavier, it'll already be Mando/BP2/Aquaman time. Not to mention Kenobi and Thor inbetween. And there's Black Adam too, and the NWH Spider-Men they haven't shown. It's too much.
Yeah, I'll be tempted by FB3 Jude Law/Mads figures if they make them, even if I don't care about the frenchise itself.Agreed! Yeah those figures showcased but not produced does leave more to be desired, man, I still would want a Yon-Rogg. (IF they make a Jude Law figure from the new FB movie maybe I'll bite)
As you mention, there definitely is too much going on, with so many projects on the horizon and those that have come. I feel as though they're inundated with figures they must release, in which would make it seem they're falling a bit behind, such as the KB figure teased long after the season's coclusion.
Yeah, that first week of May or so will be interesting to see. MK ending, May the 4th, Strange 2 opening; definitely a lot going on.The fun part about DS2 is the heroes are the villains lol
I wouldn't be surprised if we get Main Strange next week because of May the Fourth. Or they skip next week and unload the week after. Would be impressive to get a handful of SW figures then a Strange all within a few days.
As a Cosmic Marvel fan, I want those two badly (even if I hate the Kang casting, but that's nothing a head swap or his masked head won't fix; I've not see the HE guy in anything so I'm still waiting before I judge, and that's if he is playing the HE, it was never properly announced). As for MODOK, if he does appear, I doubt they'll go the whole way, but still, he'd make for an interesting and very expensive figure. We'll see next year. Let's get through this one first.Yeah you make a really good point here, no way Mordo would be a priority for Hot Toys with so much going on in the MCU, SW, and DCU.
I would love to see Hot Toys make Kang and High Evolutionary!!
I would also be intrigued to see what a 1/6 scale MODOK would look like
Yeah, I'll be tempted by FB3 Jude Law/Mads figures if they make them, even if I don't care about the frenchise itself.
We'll just have to wait and see at this point. HT is HT; they can't be really predicted.
Yeah, that first week of May or so will be interesting to see. MK ending, May the 4th, Strange 2 opening; definitely a lot going on.
As a Cosmic Marvel fan, I want those two badly (even if I hate the Kang casting, but that's nothing a head swap or his masked head won't fix; I've not see the HE guy in anything so I'm still waiting before I judge, and that's if he is playing the HE, it was never properly announced). As for MODOK, if he does appear, I doubt they'll go the whole way, but still, he'd make for an interesting and very expensive figure. We'll see next year. Let's get through this one first.
I believe it's just rumored speculation, but that speculated rumor is that it will be Chukwudi Iwuji, who was the team boss in Peacemaker.I've not see the HE guy in anything so I'm still waiting before I judge, and that's if he is playing the HE, it was never properly announced).
If he’s not a pink cyborg with a liquid metal appearance, I’m not buying buying him.When I was a kid (1970’s) I found the High Evolutionary to be intriguing and super cool looking. If we get a High Evolutionary figure I hope his look is not completely reimagined but grounded in his comic appearance, something along these lines …
Yeah, that’s whom I was referring too. I haven’t seen the guy in anything so I can’t judge. But who knows what’s going on with the casting. IIRC Gunn said there were still unnamed people, and he does deep dives all the time. We all thought Kurt Russell would be playing J’Son Of Spartax, Star-Lord’s dad, and he turned out to be Ego. So maybe that guy’s playing Centurious or whatever. I think people are assuming it’s HE because 3 is rumoured to be Rocket’s final outing and it’ll deal with his creator. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have liked Cooper to have played HE just to add a more “personal” relationship between the two (and to see Cooper get a proper MCU role).I believe it's just rumored speculation, but that speculated rumor is that it will be Chukwudi Iwuji, who was the team boss in Peacemaker.
“Expected to arrive this summer” has me concerned. Do they not intend to release anything this Spring?https://www.instagram.com/p/CcpCjmUPUhB/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Hot toys shared a photo of what's releasing soon
Your odds are....high! I'm prepared to make my own as Hot Toys disappoints in timely selections if selections at all. I already know price is terrible...the only factor that I can rely(?) on.I know it is probably 50/50 at best, but I would love to see Hot Toys make a DS2 Mordo
Cable has been delayed. In fact for the first time ever, Sideshow sent me an email saying they are obligated to cancel the order due to the delay (some rule out in CA) unless I accept the fact that it will be delayed and to accept and just wait.How about no Cable in that picture when Sideshow has him listed directly for that Summer period? The lineup does look fairly good- a lot of necessary catching up being done, but the perpetual cycle of new content (especially from the MCU) means that we’re very likely to have more figures announced than the amount in that picture. Hot Toys may never truly catch up.