Read all the Legacy novels authored by Traviss; but most especially avoid the final novel by whoever: logical fallacies. a brutal mistreatment of the Mandalorian ethos and the Fett bloodline, the most unremarkable end-game final battle EVER and I cant even remember what else. It was -so- bad, y'all. So bad. Why they did not give that book to Traviss to write is an eternal mystery.
Jacen Solo is an unlikeable little prat who never listens to his advisors and thinks he knows everything. Well.... not. Really, Jacen is a poor excuse for a "Sith" and at the end a bunch of Sith Force ghosts should have manifested and just kicked his posterior all OVER the room. Where is Malgus or Bane when you need them? For that matter, where is Maul's Force ghost, Maul hated incompetence. Jacen made the whole title of "Sith" look bad, what a disgrace to the concept. Absolutely hated him and his countrified barefoot little "protege." Tahiri or whatever her name was.
Jacen Solo is an unlikeable little prat who never listens to his advisors and thinks he knows everything. Well.... not. Really, Jacen is a poor excuse for a "Sith" and at the end a bunch of Sith Force ghosts should have manifested and just kicked his posterior all OVER the room. Where is Malgus or Bane when you need them? For that matter, where is Maul's Force ghost, Maul hated incompetence. Jacen made the whole title of "Sith" look bad, what a disgrace to the concept. Absolutely hated him and his countrified barefoot little "protege." Tahiri or whatever her name was.