I agree with that.
Asmus could absolutely still have a lot of figures coming, but they need to do it the right way. Outside of Helm's Deep Legolas, they have nothing announced, so it seems like a good time for them to lay the ground work for the road forward.
They should definitely announced what the next Crown figure will be. I know a lot of people are expecting Gandalf the White, but I think for the sake of diversity in the line, they should make Aragorn next. Doesn't matter what version, but I think it would do some good to not have the Crown series be the Gandalf series, since they clearly aren't doing more than one a year, maybe longer. I would think Aragorn next makes sense, then Gandalf the White.
After that, plan the road forward focusing on different lines, blending major, secondary and generic characters as you've said. I think it makes sense for Asmus to continue and close out the Helm's Deep run they've been on. Since Helm's Deep Legolas is coming, I think it would make sense for them to announce Haldir and Gamling as companion pieces to what's out, and then Galadhrim soldiers to round out the line.
Then move into some other areas of LOTR. Amon Hen - reissue Ranger Aragorn with an updated sculpt and such, then let's get some Uruks going. Lurtz, Ugluk and a generic guy for some battle scenes. Then do more Last Alliance characters. Gil-Galad, Isildur, Gondorian foot soldiers and finally Sauron. Then they can move into some ROTK stuff. A new Eowyn is very sorely needed. Can do some generic Ithilien Rangers and their lieutenant to Farmir, Damrod. Merry and Pippin in their Rohan and Gondor armor.
That should keep Asmus busy through 2022, when they can announce a new Crown figure of Gandalf the White or Frodo or something. Then they can shift into the upcoming Amazon show. Would be a good road map for them to follow to ensure they can keep this line going for another five years.