NEXT Star Wars 1/6th Figure...

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I am in a void place with HT's right now. My DX T-800 has been pushed back to most likely 2013. Beyond that there is no interest with the current catalog (I don’t collect Nolan Batman or Avengers). Even if they show images of something new we should all know that it will be a year before it is in your home. So I see my next purchase (DX T-800) in early 2013 and any other HT’s in 2014???

A void place I tell you........:(

Your just like me. I've got Samurai & P2 but other than that if you don't collect Batman or the Avengers then HT will have very little appeal
I know they made the 501st Clone Trooper and he's awesome.
Are there plans to make a Commander Appo/CC-1119 figure though?
He's also in The Clone Wars Animated series as a Sergeant Appo.
The episodes with Jedi General Pong Krell.
Phase I Rex was gone from SS's website for a while. I thought yay, Phase II Rex incoming, but Phase I Rex is back up. I'm clawing my face out right now.
So I was on Twitter and asked Sideshow if they might "find some lost" or re-release the Han & Luke as Stormtrooper 2pack,since I missed it and can't find any for sale that aren't priced by a mad man.
This was their response...
"Exactly like the one we had before? Most likely not but possibly updated version in the future ~M"
I'm hoping they make an updated version for sure!
Well then what's the point of buying their next all-new release if they are just going to make a better, updated version later? Same goes for Hot Toys, especially Hot Toys.
Sideshow would be very foolish not to release another stormtrooper - I mean everyone wants one (at least) and they always command a high price second hand.

But hot toys remaking figures like iron man only like 5 years later is sucky.
Having said that I want a hit toys quality like Jedi but is the current level of hot toys quality so high that improvements are only minor And therefore harder to accept?
wow,that is good news if true.the prices on ebay insane.

i'm hanging for the po's of Malgus,vader,tpm obi and one day Grievous.
some good choices there.Bossk looks awesome so i would love a Klaatu or Weequay.Hell even a skiff guard Lando or Skiff itself.
I'd like a new Stormtrooper, I passed on the original and don't care for it enough to pay what they go for. With all the clones that are constantly being pushed through, I'm surprised they haven't done a new version like they did with the Sandtrooper.
Making more Stormtroopers has been discussed by Sideshow for awhile now. likety they would do some kind of a helmet variation (ROTJ instead of ANH) in order to make it a semi-unique release.

I can't see them doing Han and Luke as Stormtroopers again though, that would be a bad and unprescendented move from them.
Think it'd be pretty cool if Hot Toys did a re-release of the standard Stormtrooper. Would like to see them done more accurately and on TT bodies. Slim chance, I know.
After watching the esb last night and knowing sideshow are focusing on a few characters from this movie i hope General Veers is being considered...
Target, maximum firepower!
with the ones currently on confirmation of Hoth Han and Hoth luke,the Tauntaun,Probot etc...General Veers is a must,considering Praji and Piett are out.
I would love a Lobot or Bespin Guard,along with a Bespin and Hoth Leia.

I would love a Lobot or Bespin Guard,along with a Bespin and Hoth Leia.


Lobot would be key, with maybe a two pack of ugnaughts to round out the carbon chamber. One of the accessories could be an ice cream maker! :lol