Video Games and LOTR Mod
I'm hoping for a Emperor and a 501st Clone Trooper from Ep3.
GSRJedi said:An idea popped into my pretty little head last night regarding the next PF. I'm wondering if SSC plans for another SDCC exclusive PF. I noticed that the exclusive Luke is the SDCC exclusive, and all the other characters that have been available had a regular Sideshow exclusive. So I'm wondering if they do another SDCC exclusive this year, will they make it a variation of one of the exisisting characters? I don't know when the regular Luke & exclusive PF went up for sale though. So my thinking is, the next exclusive PF, could be the SDCC exclusive; and if they announce the next PF now and it doesn't have an exclusive, we'll all wonder what's up. It seems Sideshow wants to let figure information trickle out over the year instead of giving it up all loose at Toy Fair. Maybe I'm reading way too much into this, it was late at night, and I'll admit it sounds a little conspiracy theory-ish to me right now.