I'm already having thoughts of how to improve this great maquette....
When I saw it at Comic Con I really liked it but the hair had that hard line that made her look like she was wearing a wig. I intend to soften that line by adding some shade to her head between the hair and the forehead. That might do the trick.......I also intend to use a transparent paint that actually glows in the dark on the white spots that she has all over her face and body...so during the day you will not even see it but at night, when I turn out the lights she will glow just like the movie......
I might also darken some parts of her here and there because when I compared the photos to a still from the movie, it looked like her lips and inside her ears could be a bit darker, but I will judge better once I have it in front of me in about 2 weeks.
I spoke with someone from Sideshow today and they told me that our credit cards should be charged on the 9th but we'll be notified before that.
I just can't wait to see it........