It would be decent of the Leafs to hook all there season tickets buyers up with refunds.... hahahah another blow out and stil winless
The Big Four should change the name to Minus Four lol
Finally Bozak is in, just when I dropped him from my team...
They serve shrimp at the ACC? wow
Im calling first victory tonight, the Avs played yesterday and should be tired
The Leafs are horrible. Absolutely horrible.
My goodness can you say this team sucks?! I can!!! THIS TEAM SUCKS!!!
Uh oh 4-1 Avs going into the third
Komisaurus is killing them again tonight, 4.5 million well spent...
The Leafs are horrible. Absolutely horrible.
My goodness can you say this team sucks?! I can!!! THIS TEAM SUCKS!!!
I can
They suck!
The game was on LeafsTV and i don't order that BS channel anymore.Yea worst team in the league, they suck my hairy brains.I am not giving up on them though until at least half way in.
Leafs lose 4-1. Losing streak at 7 games!
Out scored 14 to 32. Wow, is this team horrible!
And the best part is..they sell out every game no matter what..FOR SHAME!!.
What sucks is the Leafs are doing so bad I want them to win. No fan deserves this.
What sucks is the Leafs are doing so bad I want them to win. No fan deserves this.
What sucks is the Leafs are doing so bad I want them to win. No fan deserves this.
No, I want them to lose every game. Maybe now Leafs fans will stop parading around in other cities with tiny cups and chanting stupidities..
Look on the bright side though, the Habs arent that much better...
Hows about tose Pens Eli?? 7-1 booyah
Tell me about it. I just keep watching. I don't know why but I blame it on 30+ years of exposure.
Why not bring up the rookies already?