Media NINTENDO SWITCH (new console)

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So it's my connection? :(

Hey, can you tell me what your Switch says your upload and download speeds are when you get a chance? It should say it in the settings screen - under "Internet" then "Test Connection".

No rush, just curious.

Iz aight.

Just checked - download speed is 10.9 Mbps, and upload speed is 2.2 Mbps.
So I think it's my connection. I moved it out a bit from the TV and works 10 times better. I probably played another 30-40 matches between yesterday and today and only have made 3-4 drops. So not bad. I don't really feel like buying another router either. :lol Gets the job done.

On a side note, how you feeling about Splatoon, Captain? I'm blown away. The 'new-ness' didn't wear off like it did with Arms. This game is phenomenal.
Did you move the Switch closer to the router? Mine is sitting within a few feet of it, so maybe that helps a bit.

And yeah, Splatoon is awesome. I got tired of Arms pretty quickly, which is a shame, but I still go back and play a few games online here and there. There's just no real incentive to continue, like leveling up or unlocking new characters - I was hoping Max Brass was unlockable via grand prix, but they just handed him out for free.

But yes, I love Splatoon. I've been working on story mode because I wanna know what happened to Callie. :lol We should try playing a few games sometime if we're both available. :rock
I know most of you have probably finished Zelda, but I got a late start since I only got the system a few weeks ago. I finally killed my first two guardians yesterday. That felt good! :lol
Anybody looking for one? I ended up with two so I’m selling one for $300 plus shipping/fees.

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So I've never played Splatoon before (aside from the Global Fire stuff), but this game is so much fun. I probably played eight hours today online in multiplayer. My only complaint: I keep getting knocked out of matches because of my connection.

Is anyone else having the same problem? I can't tell if it's because of my connection or the servers themselves.

Anyone else having this problem or any advice?

I probably played 40-50 matches today - and got kicked out of 15-20.

When you get kicked do you go back to the home screen? Ive noticed my switch drops the wifi connection completey for 20 secs or so none of my other gadgets do this so i think its a issue with the console..
I thought it was an interesting game. Didn't come close to what they were trying to do, but they made a good effort. Not sure I liked it enough to play it again, though.

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