Super Freak
Wind Waker had one of the worst third acts in a video game ever but I still believe the final boss fight is one of the most fulfilling and proper boss battles ever to date.
Well I am buying a Nintendo wii u now for the spare room with new super mario bros getting zelda mario kart etc i am so excited now I can play two worlds ps4 latter this year and wii u.
Wind Waker had one of the worst third acts in a video game ever but I still believe the final boss fight is one of the most fulfilling and proper boss battles ever to date.
I found myself having to take a deep breath after reading this 'sentence'.
Check link for trailer
Nintendo has announced a new game from Monolith Soft, developer of Xenoblade Chronicles. A new trailer shows off gameplay and visuals similar to Xenoblade Chronicles, complete with grand, sweeping environments and massive monsters. The game will be directed by Tetsuya Takahashi and will feature music by Hiroyuki Sawano.
The game has no title at the moment, though a large red X is displayed at the end of the trailer, indicating it probably fits in the "Xeno" series in one way or another.
Got it on 3DS ambassador program. I have snes F Zero on wii.
i just got my wii premium today, and have been playing New Super Mario Bros on the TV rather than looking at the controller screen. Just a quick question if i go bed can i turn tv screen off and look at controller instead.
Now waiting for a playstation 4 for the main room, the problem is i got so many games and so little time![]()
Yes you turn the tv off and just keep playing. Some games require you to press a button or go into the menu.
I think I may have my wife talked into letting me pick one of these up!
I've been working on her for two months.![]()
When you get it all set up, make sure you add me, buddy!![]()