No Gimili PF in 2009 or 2010

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I'd be prepared to live without the other 3 hobbits but Gimli and Boromir along with Gandalf the Grey are must haves.

Honestly speaking of the 3 remaining hobbits, Sam is the only one that I'd be upset about if they weren't produced. As for Gimli, Boromir, and GTG I don't have the slightest doubt they will be produced. If collecting LOTR PF's teaches you nothing teaches you the value of patience. :lecture
What's so shocking? :confused: There are many characters that would sell better than Gimli, or many of the PF's already produced for that matter, that still haven't received the PF treatment.

Gotta disagree with you there...I love my T-800 endo. Is it as good as the CM, but it's a pretty nice statue all the same.

Woodsy i had the sideshow one first and thought it was awsome, i was never happy with the face and the chest area but the rest was good. After awhile i got rid and bought the CM one and obviously there is a price difference but my God what a statue it puts the sideshow one to shame and i'm not one to big up CM's over Sideshow...
Woodsy i had the sideshow one first and thought it was awsome, i was never happy with the face and the chest area but the rest was good. After awhile i got rid and bought the CM one and obviously there is a price difference but my God what a statue it puts the sideshow one to shame and i'm not one to big up CM's over Sideshow...

I'm not really too big on CM either, but I have to admit their T-800 and Predator statues blow SS right out of the water. In my case however, I was able to snag a mint SS T-800 endo last summer for $375 shipped and no matter how good the CM version's just not worth the extra $1400 I would have to pay for one.

Soooo, seeing as I'm not a thread de-railer...what do you think of this Gimli thing :lol
Everyone keeps talking about "complete the fellowship" are you guys seriously going to buy 4 hobbits though? Many people dont even like Frodo. I've seen people here sell him shipped for 125, he gets no love and yet people think its realistic to get Sam, Pippin and Merry?

Gimli is a MUST and should be the next Fellowship PF. But 4 hobbits is overkill, most people would buy 9 Ringwraiths before 4 hobbits.

I suspect we will see Boromir long be we see Gimli.
I suspect we will see Boromir long be we see Gimli.

Yup, Sideshow answered one of my questions in their 5/6 Ask Sideshow about the number of LOTR PFs shipping in 2009/2010 and stated that Boromir was in the "planning", but I'm not sure how close to completion that is.

Gimli really is a must, hopefully on an Amon Hen base to go with Aragorn. And while I'd hate for Sideshow to double-dip when a Gandalf PF has already been produced, I would love a Gandalf the Grey PF on a Moria Base to go along with Frodo and Legolas, with a light up staff. Star Wars PFs shouldn't be the only PFs with a light-up feature.
Yup, Sideshow answer one of my questions in their 5/6 Ask Sideshow and stated that Boromir was in the "planning", but I'm not sure how close to completion that is.

Gimli really is a must, hopefully on an Amon Hen base to go with Aragorn. And while I hate for Sideshow to double-dip when a Gandalf PF has already been produced, I would love a Gandalf the Grey PF on a Moria Base to go along with Frodo and Legolas, with a light up staff. Star Wars PFs shouldn't be the only PFs with a light-up feature.

:lecture :lecture :lecture
Yup, Sideshow answered one of my questions in their 5/6 Ask Sideshow about the number of LOTR PFs shipping in 2009/2010 and stated that Boromir was in the "planning", but I'm not sure how close to completion that is.

Gimli really is a must, hopefully on an Amon Hen base to go with Aragorn. And while I'd hate for Sideshow to double-dip when a Gandalf PF has already been produced, I would love a Gandalf the Grey PF on a Moria Base to go along with Frodo and Legolas, with a light up staff. Star Wars PFs shouldn't be the only PFs with a light-up feature.

True enough, I'll take a "Boromir does appear in our planning, but the release date is very much to be determined." over a "Gimli does not currently have a place in our 2009 or 2010 plans" any day of the week. I'm really thinking Boromir will be the 3rd, and last, of the 2010 releases.
True enough, I'll take a "Boromir does appear in our planning, but the release date is very much to be determined." over a "Gimli does not currently have a place in our 2009 or 2010 plans" any day of the week. I'm really thinking Boromir will be the 3rd, and last, of the 2010 releases.

Hopefully. A 2010 release schedule of Legolas, Ringwraith, and Boromir is not bad.

Of course, I'm still irked that the Uruk-Hai Berserker is the only PF we're getting in 2009. And I still haven't received a shipping notice yet.
Hopefully. A 2010 release schedule of Legolas, Ringwraith, and Boromir is not bad.

Of course, I'm still irked that the Uruk-Hai Berserker is the only PF we're getting in 2009. And I still haven't received a shipping notice yet.

Yeah, one release in an entire year, no matter how awesome, is less than an ideal situation. Mind you, if SS does come through with 3 PF's in 2010 and they all look as good as one's gonna remember 2009.
Hmmm. If I could make a fantasy priority list and pick exactly which order I'd like to see things, it would be like this (for starters lol):

Morgul Lord

I see the point about double dipping Gandalf, but the pure white robes looked way too doll-ish IMO. Like Galadriel, too much like a Barbie or porcelain doll. Thats why I never got them. I'd love a more aggressive you shall not pass style GtG in Moria, maybe even with the warm red reflections of flames on his face and the base of the bridge of Khazad-Dun (sp?). Thats tricky paintwork for mass production lighting, but it can be done and it would rock.

I can see them strategically placing Gimli in the distance. It seems like popularity in lines usually jumps back up when they release a great companion piece or archenemy piece to something thats already out, people will buy the new things and frantically search for its companion on the secondary market. I'm sure they realize everyone who owns Legolas wants Gimli too.