I'd like to see a story on HOW a new piece gets picked. A day or 2 ago I saw a thread where somebody said how it was a no brainer to do a Craig as Bond figure. I kinda agree, why wasn't there a Craig Bond when Casino Royale came out?
There must be other lines with 'no brainer' figures that aren't being done, while some 'huh?' figures ARE done.
How does piece A get chosen over B? Tell the story of one of the sessions where new work gets added to the pipeline. On what basis are decisions made?
That sort of stuff.
I would like to see an article covering the actual production of a piece from beginning to end! The molding, painting, costume, base, boxing, etc. Preferably, a statue or premium format to get the full effect, and if the 12 inch line is drastically different, then one covering that as well.