Got the 1/12 Zhang Fei in today. Big Bad Toy Store was taking too long, so I went with a domestic eBay seller charging the same price.
Not sure it's worth $300, but the figure is extremely impressive. The amount of detail they've managed to preserve going down to 1/12 is remarkable. No QC issues upon opening. Some things that stood out:
- I was worried about the fur being improperly glued to the shoulder and thigh plates since some videos had bits of fur sticking too far in, but [at least on mine] you get a fairly generous strip glued in and you can pull it out or tuck it in as you please. I guess the people in those videos hadn't yet futzed with theirs?
- I've never owned the 1/6 versions, but from what I've seen, their flags have a plastic strip attached to them to prevent sagging. This one doesn't and just has wire running through the top and bottom, which allows for some fun posing.
- The "cap" for the bottom of the flag pole (when not mounted on its base) falls off easily
- The two straps securing the saddle to the horse must be buckled by the buyer and there's BARELY enough strap length to buckle the first hole -- and that's after shifting the straps further toward the back of the horse where it's a bit slimmer. One of the straps still felt too tight for my liking, so I left that one undone to prevent strain.
- The horse is beautifully sculpted and surprisingly heavy due to the steel structure inside. The rubber is thick and squishy with a velvety feel on the surface. Interesting stuff, but I worry about it deteriorating as I do with all things rubber. May have to buy a resin horse and transfer the saddle and reins to it for peace of mind. The instructions advocate against leaving the legs bent for extended periods of time, so if you're hoping for a long-lasting
and dramatic display, this horse may not be the one to get you there.
- Smallest hand and foot pegs I've ever seen. I was sweating bullets swapping the right hand, but it worked out. The hands and feet aren't super tight joints, which is just as well since I'd rather not apply force to those areas.
- Pain-free head swaps so far. Looked under the head and it's hollow, filled with what appears to be resin. The peg is embedded in the resin. Don't know what to make of that, but I'll not tempt fate by doing any more swaps. My goal was to get him how I wanted him and I was able to do it.
My eclectic high-end shelf at the moment.
Let's get a Guan Yu in this size!