How dare you. Are you seriously questioning MY patriotism? Sir, I've got nearly 14 years invested in the service and plan to serve until retirement. Do the math, smart guy. This was long before 9/11. I've led me in combat on TWO COMBAT TOURS in Iraq alone. Not only did I take a bullet for God and country and have been involved in some serious firefights with the insurgency, but I inspired and motivated men under my charge to do the same, and some of those guys paid for it with their lives. I've seen what the enemy has done, what he's capable of doing, and clearly and absolutely understand the enemy that is hell bent on destroying our way of life. And I did not learn the lessons of not taking our freedoms for granted in Iraq, but during my 6 months in Kosovo in the summer of 1999. And considering we were among the first American forces on the ground after the air campaign, I really know what it's like to be welcomed as heroes and liberators. The ethnic Albanians lined up on the streets
daily to cheer and wave at us as our convoys and patrols went by. There were "Thank You America" graffiti on the walls, and children waved American flags, etc. However, I cannot the same after the invasion of Iraq when our units were among the first to move into and occupy the Al-Anbar province in Iraq immediately following the fall of Baghdad in April 2003. So before you go off questioning my integrity or motivation to join and serve in the military, maybe you should not assume that I'm in it for "college money" or didn't realize what I was getting into. This is an all volunteer force, and I volunteered to be a combat Soldier and not some part-time weekend warrior pushing paper behind a desk. I've raised my right hand to swear to uphold the freedoms that you so freely enjoy on multiple occasions for reenlistment. I'm volunteering to join the Special Operations community within our Army. I'm volunteering to go to wherever the fight may be. Three Bronze Stars, one with Valor, and one Purple Heart later, I'M STILL HERE AND SERVING. I want to go after Bin Laden and the culprits behind the 9/11 attacks, which I'm sad to say Iraq had nothing to do with. The only reason why Iraq has become the central front on the GWOT is because we invaded that country and attracted every extremist wacko to the region to carry out their Jihad. If we had been told that it was a strategic effort to place Iran between a rock and hard place then I, and hundreds of thousands of American troops, would have accepted that. Instead we were told we'd find WMDs, that Saddam was harboring Al-Qaeda, and we'd be treated like liberators and there would be "dancing in the streets". Bullschit.
My love for our Army and our nation is exactly why I don't want it to be under the operational control of those who might abuse that power, and put us in harms way to fulfill some agenda or appease certain interest groups. What, may I ask, have you done besides sit here on Sideshow Collectors and play armchair politics? Have you ever had to face the parents of your fallen Soldiers? Try to comfort the wife of a buddy who never had a chance to see his baby girl be born? Or watch your buddies painful struggle to recover from horrendous injuries and wounds from catastrophic IED attacks? Is America safer since launching the invasion in Iraq? Too much blood has been shed to just leave the country in shambles and walk away, but it is time for the Iraqis to take ownership of their own security and start bringing our men and women home, or at least re-focus our efforts in Afghanistan where the enemy is still running free. Don't you dare lecture me on our enemy or their agenda. I helped gather the intel and provided lessons learned after fighting this adaptive enemy who tries to influence the contemporary operating environment with asymmetric tactics, and was a member of a unit instrumental in influencing a change in strategy. Thanks for listening.
Grim Blue 4 out.