Of course I've looked better.....

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Super Freak
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
One blown apart 3po, built this over the last week (tried) to create the ESB look after 3po stumbled on the imperials..,comprises of Kaiyodo C-3po
model(genuine) light up eyes, voice function from hasbro electronic C-3po,I studied the ESB screen shots of 3po in pieces and there seemed to be a lack of evidence of his internal skeleton,so i kit bashed to create various exposed joints .The crutch area also seems to be missing in the movie,not sure what to do about this.....hope you like:eek:
Impressive... as always(bet you thought I was going with the obvious quote for a second, didn't you?Well,it's not going to be that easy!). Sorry,had a Python moment ...well done...PS
Routinely impressive Hurricane---- you never fail to disappoint with each new reveal. Great work! Fun to see the finished product.
hurricane said:
One blown apart 3po, built this over the last week (tried) to create the ESB look after 3po stumbled on the imperials..,comprises of Kaiyodo C-3po
model(genuine) light up eyes, voice function from hasbro electronic C-3po,I studied the ESB screen shots of 3po in pieces and there seemed to be a lack of evidence of his internal skeleton,so i kit bashed to create various exposed joints .The crutch area also seems to be missing in the movie,not sure what to do about this.....hope you like:eek:

There's only one Hurricane! The Legend continues! Great work mate!

ps got your T 800 Head today with light up eye. Niiiice!
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That's awesome!!!

I am still searching for decent pics of Shaak Ti for you. Most of what I am finding is just her face or too far away to get good costume details.
It's the paintjob that gets me more than the lights or the bits of wires showing.

It actually looks like metal. Like..... threepio!