OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread..FINALLY A PHOTO!

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Looks a bit less flattering from that perspective. Not bad, just not flattering. That second picture makes it look like it's clearly not a final prototype with the separation on the neck. Where are these coming from?
We need some Specs and Pics. These things are looking pretty damn good; would love to see what all they come with.
The scars were from when she gave birth on the battlefield during WW 2. She was sliced open with a knife and her baby was taken, and raised as a Russian spy.
:lol I was making a joke. & that could be considered kinda spoilish if somebody hasn't played the game.

BTW, sweet find Project A :D
Headsculpt looks fantastic, but oh man I hope almost everything is on his sneaking suit to begin with because it looks like a nightmare to get everything on and looking nice.
This definitely looks like it was taken from Peace Walker. His beard is too thick to reference out of MGS3.
i prefer his look in MGS3/PS2 version, glad im not alone on that.

I have no preference in the version, but it's kinda odd that you have it labelled as MGS3: Snake Eater on the stand, but his likeness is from MGS: Peace Walker.

Unless they can make the Peace Walker version (if they will make one) look more scruffier than that. :yess:

Even from this blurry pic the costuming (and ****s) of The Boss looks ace :lol

And the stitching of Snakes suit, looks almost as if the clasps & clips could be metal?

Headsculpt looks fantastic, but oh man I hope almost everything is on his sneaking suit to begin with because it looks like a nightmare to get everything on and looking nice.

Yeah i remember the hassle of getting all the clips and pouches onto John Connor, fricken took ages.

Hope there's no velcro on this figure, those things never last

cate blanchett could play the boss.


I could see her playing the part, very similar face
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We need some Specs and Pics. These things are looking pretty damn good; would love to see what all they come with.

Aside from a bunch of hands and the rifle already shown i'd like.

1911 with optional silencer
MK 22 Hush Puppy Traquelizer pistol with optional silencer
Second 'Camo' head
Single Action Army Recolver or AK-47

For the boss:

Outfit from first half of game
Maybe a pistol thrown in too
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