IF I had to choose, I'd say Jack...
BUT I'm getting both!!
So am I. But that was not her question

IF I had to choose, I'd say Jack...
BUT I'm getting both!!
If you were only going to get one - which would you choose?
Captain America or Jack Sparrow DX?
That's a real question??! Take the captain hands down!!!
Captain Jack that is! Im thinking about canceling CA and superman all together.
Pass on Captain America.
Buy Captain Jack.
Celebrate with Captain Morgan.
Why would you ever want CA? That movie sucked, there is little to remember from that. Maybe if it was a figure of classic CA, but not Chris Evans....
Wow it surpirises me that that comment got a rise out of you?
But I agree it wasn't well stated. I like the CA movie quite a bit... Fun ride.
That's your opinion, and a pretty crappy way to state that opinion. Arguments start with really ******* comments like yours, and it just invites trolling. I am getting Jack and Captain america, and I loved Captain america the movie... That is my opinion. What you are doing is just being a troll.
If you were only going to get one - which would you choose?
Captain America or Jack Sparrow DX?
so if someone thinks a movie sucks that make him/her a troll-----
i never understand why we can not agree to disagree-----
he think the movie sucks----you loved the movie enough to spend a decent chunk of change on the toy------freggin unreal-------
If you were only going to get one - which would you choose?
Captain America or Jack Sparrow DX?
IF I had to choose, I'd say Jack...
BUT I'm getting both!!
As you can tell from my Avatar, I am a huge CA fan. But just from the figure stand point I would get the Jack. As much as I love the Cap figure, you will have at least two more opportunities to pick up a Cap in the near future (USO and Avengers) and probably just one other opportunity with Jack (CK Jack). This Jack just has so much to offer also with accessories and sculpts.