Jokes & Bats
Super Freak
Ah yes - never thought about using it with the AWE Jack!
Ordered this on tuesday, got it today from HK and I love it. My pics wouldn't add much so I won't post any but people on the fence should seriously get this NOW and people who keep their stuff boxed should think again - this figure is too much fun to keep boxed. I didn't notice the scale issues, the quality is superb, the sculpts are brilliant (especially the serious face - not entirely sure about the other one, it looks good in photos but for my shelf I prefer the more neutral serious face). Pure win.
I can't wait to get Cannibal Jack when they do him - would love to see an updated version of the sculpt from the first one.
The only thing I'm not sure about is the rudder - it's great but for me it overwhelms the figure when I display them together. I may have to try selling it.
Are people keen to have the long telescope? I don't have a need for it, myself.
All those figures are FTW esp. Jack & Supes!Congrats LV!
Are people keen to have the long telescope? I don't have a need for it, myself.
Regular or Exclusive?
"Now, bring me that horizon!"
Where'd you get that barrel?
Pics look great but I find his head looks so small compared to his hands that it's distracting me. Is it less apparent in hand?
Oh yeah much less noticeable, if at all. To be honest the whole figure is so impressive, that you don't pay much attention to it.