2 days ago, I went to toy hunters HK. Jack and classic preadator already sold out along with nolan. I went to toyzone causewaybay, but the price is WOW! And I still couldn't find jack in there... It's weird that I'm in HK and can't even buy this figure.
This is the 2 small simple pegs that I used to hold up the Jack Sparrow Flag...hope this helps and my initial attempt failed as my flag came crumbling down after I have re-adjusted the pegs too many times and it lost it's holding grip.
I've decided to pass on this figure. I don't feel its on par with HT's Indiana Jones effort.
But for crap sake, my retailer is still waiting to receive. This SUCKS!
They are not the same. The bridge of the nose on the smiling sculpt is thinner and straighter than the non-smiling sculpt. Put them side by side and you will see the difference. It's still great but not as perfect. The nose is pointier and has a slight dip at the tip making it look more angular. The regular sculpt is perfect Depp.
Is it too late to switch?
Is it too late to switch?
I believe his shop was the best deal, so while he's losing patience waiting, he wants to save and is toughing it out.
The 'toughing it out' has gotten tougher and tougher this last week or so.
At least the figure is rewarding of wait, nothing like buildup and then the figure turns out to be a dud compared to your hopes.
Unless I get an unsightly nose rub.
I am expecting a telescope issue though for some reason. It's suppose to come with it, but I just have this feeling.
I'm feeling uninspired with this figure.
It's the best figure I own, but I still haven't made time to seriously play with him. I get why those who aren't head-over-heals for the character passed on him.
I know once I get into really futzing/posing him I'll fall in love more, but right now I'm a bit meh.
i get you Mag. I don't even have the figure in hand yet and I feel meh about it. but Like you, I hope that once i play with it a bit when he's in hand, I think/hope I'll like him more. The feeling kind of sucks since I'm a huge Depp fan.