Bo Shrek
Super Freak
So has the regular version of Jack started to ship? Man it seems like I have been waiting a year for this figure.....hold on I have!!!! 

Sounds like a dud, from comments here this figure has quite stable ankles, my Jack is one of the sturdiest HT figures I've ever had where it's
not a solid plastic boot for a foot.
Just my bad luck then.Any idea what might work to stabilize the ankles?I won't bother buying a new pair of boots and pegs that MIGHT be good enough.
Maybe Stuff something down there,ill try something.
I was thinking that some socks might help a bit but probably not.
If youre not bothered about having a "box fresh" figure, then maybe some superglue on the ball joint to make it tighter?
Im not sure any of these would work though because I dont know what the ankles and feet look like.
The weathering is inconsistent, The one I got off eBay had almost none and the one that came with the figure had a pretty decent amount.
Got mine today. This is seriously the best Hot Toys figure or 12 inch figure I've ever owned.
Here's how I have him set up for now:
I am having trouble keeping the hat on Jack's head. It seems a tad too small. Anyone else have this problem?
I am having trouble keeping the hat on Jack's head. It seems a tad too small. Anyone else have this problem?