Official Hot Toys Resident Evil Figures Thread

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you should post your collection sometime nick. or some pics.

still debating whether or not to pick up jacket leon myself.

Yea, most of my stuff is stillin boxes in the closet from lack of display space :monkey2 I'm moving out at the end of the year so by then I probably will.
man i am having to much trouble giving him a weapon on his right hand and the belt buckle! great figure but still trying! help!
Got the two figures on clearance from BBTS, arrived today.

The chainsaw ganado is pretty fun although very hard to pose the lower body [not sure why, could be the fat suit] and the chainsaw doesn't fit the gripping arms too well.

Post transformation Krauser has pretty standard leg articulation and the transformed arm is a work of art, however the muscular body is very hard to pose and his head is very stiff when moving around. Otherwise he's also cool, the mini droid is lots of fun.
yeah this will be my first time with a muscular body from HT, i hope its not that restrictive, i am not looking forward to any belt removals as that was a pain for me with leon
The only muscle body I have of hot toys seems to wanna crack under the arms. But then again it might of been from previous user and not HT themselves.
...just send it to me and I'll take the jacket off for you...that way you will never have to worry about it......:monkey3
Anyone know if any new characters are going to be added to this line? I was really hoping for a Wesker or Hunk... Thanks in advance for any information.
If we hear anything I think it will be for Resident Evil 5.

That really disappoints me... I have been a longtime fan of the RE series and was happy that the line was finally getting decent figures/models. Hopefully, we will see an Alice, Hunk, or Wesker in the future.