Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread


Excellent work! How did you install the fiber into the eye? Can you please put a tutorial? Also, what is the power source and where do you keep it?
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I would guess either cut away some of the coat sleeve on the upper arm, or broke the arm and reattached it for the look but now you're permanent left with that pose.



Excellent work! How did you install the fiber into the eye? Can you please put a tutorial? Also, what is the power source and where do you keep it?


Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I think NECA did a great job with these figures, but seeing these customs really shows off some great potential. Awesome job!

By the way, I did a showcase of the Police Assault Terminator on my site and if you want to check it out, just click the photo below. /end shameless plug

Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

A friend of mine is gonna see Robert Patrick at an upcoming show. Debating on which NECA figure to have signed.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Good ideas. Think I'll go with Steel Mill. It has a good portrait and you can go wrong with the shotgun blast in the eye.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I'd go for the SDCC Liquid metal exclusive.

Then have him sign with silver marker.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

:lecture Then throw it away after he signs it, make sure he sees you.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

And take a **** in the garbage.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Scored an awesome deal on Amazon, Tech Noir T-800, Endo and biker T-1000 for $60 shipped, plus I have a second Tanker T-800 on the way to use as a police shootout figure, so in the next week or so, my NECA collection will have been completed as much as I want it to be, I'm so excited, especially to score an Endo for so cheap, I really want some figure of the Endo in my collection and I'd long sold off my Hot Toys one so now I'll have one again.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Congrats MaulFan! I would like to still pick up a regular technoir myself, I did have it in my hand in toys r us when they first hit, but I told myself why buy this when I already have the HT version. I should just bought it:slap I should dig up the rest of my neca terminators and display them on card somewhere.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I too saw Tech Noir everywhere, but at the time, there was no word about Reese or biker T-800 from T1, I had no interest in Tech Noir if that's as far as it went, and like you, having HT Tech Noir and Endo, I felt no need for NECA versions. Just glad I could get the deal, the Endo alone goes for what I paid for all 3. I could live without biker T-1000, but to get the other two for so cheap, it would be nice to have the alternate look.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Thanks to lcsbx for both the inspiration and the WIP shots to help achieve this.

I received my second Tanker Pursuit figure the other day, bought to be a police shootout version since it's the cheaper option and the only big difference being bullet hits on his chest and stomach, which he gets in the police station anyway.

Some know, my big gripe with the limited articulation on these Terminator figures is that they all look very alike on the shelf together. Even with the guns, the best pose I could think of with the figure as is for Police shootout would look too close to the BD pose I have. So having seen lcsbx's awesome custom work, I liked the idea of imitating the Sideshow PF pose with the figure, but you have to commit to serious and permanent custom work. Since these figures are more or less statues anyway, I was fine with the permanent look, I don't think I'll ever be unhappy with it.

So here's my PF T-800 custom figure.




Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Pretty cool. I don't think I'll do that to mine, only have 1 (having quit buying NECA multiples*) kinda want to keep it stock.

*which I was doing in the first place to avert temptation to do the same with HT Terminators and look how that worked out!