''Why the hell did you do that a-dev?''
I'm glad you asked!
Well, driven on by my earlier experiment of just putting the DX10 sunglasses on the NECA figure, I wanted to see what an otherwise entirely high-end T2 T-800 would look like with a sculpted neck - instead of that unnatural, stiff, cylinder-like abomination on the DX10. I wanted to see a figure without ugly-ass gaps between the neck and the headsculpt and last but not least I wanted to utilise NECA's far superior job on the hair.
It's a trade-off. Yes it's a NECA head with a seam going down his neck, sandpaper skin texture and flat paintjob but it brings a much more natural-looking and more accurate shape to his neck and head. Personally I don't think Hot Toys integrates ball-joint heads very well and least of all on DX10 - it's really appallingly done on that figure - looks like a head awkwardly plopped on top of a barrell. The claim to high-end is already heavily damaged right there so I figured I'd try this out.
Just two things didn't go entirely to plan - the collar of the jacket is not as snug to the neck as I would like. I'm doing the usual paperclip-trick but the ones I have are either too strong or too weak so the collar just won't stay where it should. I was also hoping to secure a socket for the head inside the body but this proved surprisingly difficult. So when I take the head off the socket comes out too.