Official NECA Terminator Thread

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She looks worse in the movie honestly. If you told me she was 81 in terminator dark fate I'd believe it :lol.
So with the film tanking at the box office I doubt NECA will bother with any more figures from Dark Fate. But I wonder what it means for Terminator toys generally. I'm always willing to buy more from the first two films but will NECA see any value in it?

The Tech Noir T-800 especially could benefit from those new double-elbow joints becase the existing figure has hardly any range at all. But then so too could Uncle Bob and the Police Shootout T-800 for tighter shotgun poses. You'd need new hands aswell for holding guns at the more upright orientation. I'm not sure NECA's heart is in it anymore though.

They've even gone real quiet and slow on Alien and Predator it feels like. Their twitter is dominated by horror, Gremlins and Turtles.

The saddest part, to me is, that HT refrained to complete the 1/6 lines and they were so easy to be completed!

It's been so long now I'd want do-overs for most of the figures they did make anyway. Heck the MMS238 was pretty unsatisfying from day one.
Well Genisys wasn't a success either was it? Yet here we are...

NECA said before that there were more figures from Dark Fate coming so I guess we'll see.
Not coming, Randy said there are more in different stages of development but success of these figures will determine their fate. Even if the movie is a bust, if the figures sell well enough we’ll probably get more. I have a clean and BD Arnie from T1, T2 and T5 in my collection, I would like a BD from Dark Fate to go with this one.
I just hope they'll release a Mackenzie Davis figure, so we have a base headsculpt to use for a Mariette figure, which should have been released in a third wave of NECA's Blade Runner 2049 collectibles along with Joi, Sapper Morton, Lt. Joshi, Officer K (battle damaged).
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''Maybe in 2024 if we are still doing Terminator''? Jesus, that's a disappointing answer.

He also just said that Tech Noir is coming back soon - I presume that'll be a straight rerelease of the Ultimate. If it had anything new like double-elbow articulation why would he pour such cold water on the request for a Police Shootout figure with double elbows.
Yeah who cares at that point.

Give us a future war Kyle Reese, T1 Sarah, or even a battle damage Arnie from T3 would be awesome.
We'll almost be at war with the machines by then.

These are not positive sounds for the Terminator line. Will it be a disaster if they call it quits? Well, no. We've gotten most of what we could want. But for the sake of the few things we don't have I wanted the line to carry on so that new stuff would occasionally trickle in. But here's Randy being reluctant to even rerelease stuff already made or redo existing stuff with minor new tooling. Wouldn't seem to bode well.
I'm surprised they even took it as far as they did. I never thought we'd ever get a T2 John Connor, let alone with his dirt bike.
I hated the new movie, what they did in the beginning..... ****ing idiots.

I'd buy Carl but big pass on Grandma. I just want a Tech-Com Kyle Reese and a Future John Connor from T2 and I'd be happy.
I'm surprised they even took it as far as they did. I never thought we'd ever get a T2 John Connor, let alone with his dirt bike.

So far it seems anyone who splurged on ebay did the right thing. I may have bought one or two...or three...or... :monkey3

I hated the new movie, what they did in the beginning..... ****ing idiots.

Cameron's idea apparently. I better not see him complaining about Alien 3 ever again.
:lol. I bought several as well. My most wanted figure from them is definitely a future war Reese. Though I highly doubt they'll ever make it.
I hated the new movie, what they did in the beginning..... ****ing idiots.
Cameron's idea apparently. I better not see him complaining about Alien 3 ever again.
did they kill some dumb kid there so that miriads of stupid people would say "oh how could you kill a kid in an otherwise splendid stupid movie"? because death of Hicks and Newt was the only good thin about A3?
did they kill some dumb kid there so that miriads of stupid people would say "oh how could you kill a kid in an otherwise splendid stupid movie"? because death of Hicks and Newt was the only good thin about A3?

I had a feeling it'd be all the same to you, you don't even consider T2 to be canon really.

For all I know it actually could be the best thing about the film, I've seen the particular scene on youtube and it seems well done. But by using it as a means to simply reset and tell the entire same story again, just with new names, it has no value whatsoever. And as a fan of T2 it renders everything that took place in that movie moot and pointless. And that's why I find it so bizarre that it was Cameron's idea and why the Alien 3 comparison is so relevant because he hated that.
Look how long it took them to do articulated legs. I'm not surprised by the answers. New tools would require too much effort.