Broke and happy
I?m just thankful for NECA continued support of their highly successful Turtles line for making this Sarah/John rerelease with newly painted plastic possible for my single Terminator shelf.
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I know absolutely zero about Ninja Turtles have never watched a cartoon or movie with those characters.
Sorry NECA lol
Overall, this line can end for all I care. I'd love to get more but I'm satisfied with what I have. It's nice to finally have the three main characters up against the T-1000 as opposed to just endless variations of Arnold. I do think NECA is missing an opportunity to get more out there. This 2-pack format is awesome. How about a Police Shootout T-800 vs Kyle Reese with updated legs? How about a Steel Mill showdown with Steel Mill T-800 vs Steel Mill T-1000? Hell, do a three pack. Imagine a "Come with me if you want to live" set that had Tech Noir T-800, updated Kyle Reese and an all new Sarah Connor and another "Come with me if you want to live" set with Pescadero T-800 (with new hands), John Connor and a retooled Pescadero inmate Sarah Connor.
That **** would sell and require MINIMAL effort . . .
Side note. I got a 1:10 Fatboy last month for the T-800 so I would really like to somehow get a loose dirt for John. If NECA continues with the Kenner tributes, I don't see what would be so hard about just putting out a Kenner colored John and the bike on a blister card.
Keep it simple. No accessories, no extra head (keeps the SDCC release exclusive), easy money . . .
I wish neca would have included the camo paint on the original John Connor. I think those bastards did it on purpose to make the two pack release more appealing since he lacks the bike. Neca is trash.